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What's On

We organise a range of orienteering events throughout the year. The table below lists all of the confirmed upcoming events.

Orienteer Anytime: If our organised events don't fit your schedule, remember that you can orienteer anytime you want through smartphone orienteering or permanent orienteering courses.

Schools: Our schools’ league runs from September to June providing school pupils with the opportunity to learn and develop map-reading skills while improving their fitness in a fun, competitive and challenging sport. The schools’ league runs in conjunction with our Saturday Series events. Check out the Schools section of the website for loads more information on this!

Club night: SYO's club night takes place on Wednesday evenings during term time. Club night alternates at varying locations around Sheffield. Find out more here.

Some these events are part of an orienteering league. Each event will have details of any league it is in, but the most common leagues are the Yorkshire Urban League, the Yorkshire Night League and the Yorkshire Orienteering Superleague.


Other Events of Interest

The table below shows events not organised by us, but those from neighbouring orienteering clubs. A nationwide list of orienteering events can be found on the British Orienteering website.

Date Event Venue Level Club
Sunday 23 February CompassSport Cup Heat Clumber Park National NOC
Sunday 23 February CompassSport Cup Heat Clowbridge National SELOC
Saturday 1 March BUCS individual event Birchen Edge (The EMOA Leagu... Birchen Edge Regional DVO
Saturday 8 March YHOA Night League Brumby Wood and Kingsway Nature Reserve Regional HALO
Sunday 23 March YHOA SuperLeague and YHOA Middle Distance Champion... Plumpton Rocks Regional CLARO