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Below are a list of the publicly available document categories such as event organisation and policies. To see more documents, please log in with your SYO account.
Event Organisation Policies and Guidance OtherParticipation T-shirt Scheme
Since October 2017 SYO has been running a participation scheme to encourage members to orienteer regularly and attend more SYO events. Members will receive a point for each event they participate in. A free T'Shirt will be awarded to a member when they reach 20 points. If members volunteer at an event but don't compete they will still be awarded a point. Please contact Peter Gorvett if you think you are missing points!
To see how many points you currently have, view the PDF below... (if the PDF does not load the first time, try navigating to this page again from the homepage. If that fails, try viewing the PDF on Google Docs directly)