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Yvette Baker Trophy Final

Sunday 9 July 2023
Sandall Beat - Doncaster
Start List:
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View Results
View RouteGadget
Splits Analysis:
View Splits Analysis
Ranking Points:
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View Photos
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2pm, Mon 10th July: The following are now all available via the links above. Times and splits are now correct on all results, other than on the YBT/S team/score results (but all individual and club scores and placings are correct). For more of an explanation, see below.

  • Simple results (via Results)
  • YBT/S Team Results, Points and counters (via Other)
  • Winsplits (via Splits Analysis)
  • Routegadget
  • Ranking Points (calculated by BOF later this week)
  • Photos by Wendy Carlyle

Planner's Comments

What a day!  Storms on Saturday put water in the main drain, wet the vegetation for control hangers and early starters.  Then the sun came out, allowing a care-free gathering.  At 6 pm when I was back at home, a thunderstorm erupted. Good selection of the weather window.

The Yvette Baker Final is a Category B event, requiring courses to identify the best orienteers in their category. Sandall Beat is a very runable area, especially along the Ridings, but punishes failure to maintain contact with the map to identify where to turn off to a control.  The forest terrain is subtle; turn-off points are less obvious than in a town park.

Looking at the Winsplits analysis, there are few competitors, even course winners, who have had a ‘clean’ run, avoiding the ‘pink’ indication of a leg 20% slower than par.  Further, every leg (up to the final control) on courses Yellow and longer had at least one person below par.  This suggests to me that you had to keep thinking all the way round the course. Winners were worthy winners, and everyone who got round had been well tested. If you retired or mispunched, what you did you got right. Well done one and all.

The SYO event organisation team, lead by Jacky Dakin and Susan Guy, with Dom Dakin masterminding the IT, swung into action for this key event.  Too many people for me to single out apart from Andy Preston, whose invaluable help knowing the organisation of the equipment and putting out the majority of the controls saved both time sorting out the kit and my weary legs.  He was generally around to help in the forest during and after the event, so many thanks to him, plus others who helped collect controls. Outside of the SYO team, I am grateful for the valuable observations of our external controller, Brian Slater of HALO.  His comments ensured the integrity of the event, plus he gave hands-on help during the day.  It is always useful to get thoughts from outside the system.

Henry Marston


An explanation of the results fun...

To explain further ... the Start and Finish SI boxes were programmed on the morning of the event (compared to the control boxes, which were programmed several days before). It appears that the SI manager's brain was not the only device running slow on Sunday morning, as the laptop used to program the devices was slow by 28.9 seconds. Thus both the Start and Finish punches were systematically slow (i.e. were set to 10:20:19 rather than 10:20:48). I stress this was the case with both boxes - you weren't disadvantaged depending on which used. This essentially meant everyone was getting a longer first split (S > 1) and a super speedy run-in!

My thanks to Steve Whitehead who spotted that he hadn't beaten Usain Bolt by doing the 100m run-in in -1 second, and alerted me to the issue. We promptly corrected the Finish boxes at 12:48, at the tail end of the Open competition, and before any YBT finishes... not yet realising we had the same issue with the Start punch too; that realisation was delivered by Henry (Planner) at about 13:30. So in summary:

  • Pre-12:48 finishers on the Open: you had systematic error at both ends, so your 'corrected' time is exactly the same as your splits printout, just with a 29s shorter first leg and 29s longer run-in
  • Post 12:48 finishers and all of YBT: you had a systematic error just with the Start punch, so your 'corrected' time is 29s shorter (the right direction, we can all agree!) with time taken off S > 1. Your run-in time on your print out was already correct. 
  • All results listings are now showing the correct times (except YBT scores) - including Winsplits, where S > 1 and the run-in times have now been adjusted
  • Because the systematic error was the same for the duration of the YBT/S competition, the team results (including the points, scores etc shown) are all correct. It's just that you all took 29s less long as shown on that listing :)

Kudos to anyone who bothered reading this far!

Signed, the aforementioned SI Manager


SYO is delighted to be hosting the 2023 Final of the Yvette Baker Trophy & Shield (YBT/S) in the lovely runnable ancient woodland of Sandall Beat. For this time of year this is one of SYO's best areas, fast run with little undergrowth, no contours, an intricate ditch network, tricky vegetation and many paths. Alongside the YBT/S competition is an Open event, offering courses White to Blue. Start times for these courses will be before the YBT/S starts.

Sandall Beat terrain

Please note: Network Rail has now confirmed the imminent closure of the footbridge over the railway line to undertake essential repairs, and is no longer planning to provide a temporary replacement. Courses will therefore just use the northern section of Sandall Beat, with double-sided maps for Blue, Green and Orange courses.

How to enter

YBT/S entry is via a team spreadsheet, submitted by each Club Team Manager.
Online entries for the Open competition via Fabian 4 have now closed (noon, 7th June). Entry on Day (EOD) still available, subject to map availability.  There are more than 20% extra maps available for EOD on every course (Bl 20, G 11, LG 8, O 14, Y 3, W 6).


Open Competition colour-coded courses
Seniors £10   (BOF member £8)
Adults on courses up to Orange £4
Juniors/Students £4
If you are going round as a family group or in a pair just pay for 1 entry.
Dibber (non-SIAC) hire: £1   (Lost dibber: £30)

YBT/S Competitors: £5 per person

Location & Parking

Sandall Beat Rd Doncaster. Follow signs to Doncaster racecourse. Signed from the A18 500m NE of the roundabout with the A638.Nearest post code DN2 6JP. What3words: winks.taking.minus

Parking for cars and minibuses is on the flat grassy verge area to the south of Sandall Beat Road near the woods. Any team requiring coach parking should notify the Organiser by 2 July.

Event Arena

Assembly is on the large  playing field immediately adjacent to Sandall Beat Woods, on the opposite side of the road from car parking. Juniors should be supervised crossing the road.

All facilities (Enquires, First Aid, Download, Portaloos) will be in this field. The final run-in is within the field, and there is plenty of space for club tents.

The SYO Juniors will be running a cake stall, including hot drinks, and the local ice cream van may visit, but there will be no other catering facilities, so competitors should bring sufficient food and drink for the day.


Full leg cover is compulsory, whistles recommended.

Ditches: please read the detailed information in Planner’s comments below.

Sandall Beat Woods are used by members of the public, including dog walkers, cyclists & horse riders. Please be courteous and give them sufficient space.

Courses & Start Times

Open event: 10:30 - 12:00. To comply with YBT/S rules, no Open starts after 12 noon, so competitors are requested to utilise an early start slot where possible.

YBT/S Final: 12:30 - 13:50

Course Information

Distance (km)
No. of Controls
Map (sided)
White 1.4 11  Text  single 
Yellow 2.7 13 Text & Pictorial single
Orange 3.3 16 Text & Pictorial double
Light Green 3.7 15 Pictorial single
Green 4.9 15  Pictorial  double
Blue 5.7 18  Pictorial double

Loose Control descriptions (pictorial) available for all courses except White

Competitors running as a pair will be issued with a map each, and a single dibber.  They must stay together and cross the Finish at the same time. 

SI controls and timing will be used, SIAC enabled (including Finish). Punching Start.

Courses close at 3:15pm

Start & Finish

The Start is a 300m level walk from Assembly. The route to the start follows the edge of the competition area; keep to the tagged path and give way to anyone on their course. Call up at -4 mins for YBT/S.

The main route, which avoids any road crossings, requires exiting Assembly through a gap in the fencing; this route is recommended for all Juniors.

An alternative route will be marked from the corner of the field, but requires a road crossing, so is not suitable for unaccompanied Juniors.

The Finish is in the Arena.

Map Collection

In the interest of fairness, competitors should not discuss their course or show their map to those who have not yet run.

Open competitors who will be leaving immediately can take their maps in a sealed envelope; otherwise maps will be collected at the Finish, and will be available at 2pm after the last YBT/S starts.

YBT/S Competition Timetable

12:00 Team Parade in Arena
12:30 First start
13:50 Last start
15:00 Prizegiving - as soon as results are confirmed
15:15 Courses close

Results & Commentary

Results will be displayed in the Arena.

Commentary will be provided for the YBT/S Competition

Official Photographer

Wendy Carlyle, British Orienteering registered photographer, has very kindly agreed to take official photographs; a link to the photographs will be available after the event. Should a parent/guardian wish to request removal of an image, this can be done by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

British Orienteering’s policy is explained in this link: Using photographs of children for publication (

Planner's Comments

Ditches range from shallow depressed lines, rarely containing water and marked with a line of brown dots (small erosion gully) through dashed, narrow and wide blue lines for ditches of increasing depth and likelihood to contain water (depending on the weather). They are in the main easy and safe to cross, with care. The crossability of the main north-south drainage ditch is variable and courses have been planned to make use of the best crossing points which are marked with the symbol on the map. It is permitted to cross this ditch elsewhere, taking care especially if it contains water. A short, deep section of drain near the start is not to be crossed and is mapped with a continuous purple line; it will be taped and can easily be avoided.

All YBT/S courses (Y, O, LG, G) have a spectator control shortly before the finish, visible from the route to the Start from the Arena. Remember that you have additional controls before going to the Final Control. The small car park within the woods is potentially dangerous with cars manoeuvring and is marked as OOB on the map; take the footpath round the car park. This path will also be used by competitors walking to the Start, who should give way to those on their course.

The Orange, Green and Blue courses have 2-sided maps. Turn over your map at the end of Part 1.

The children’s playground in the woods is marked as OOB. 


1:5000 map, no contours (with symbols to ISOM 2017-2).

Re-surveyed by Ian Cooper August 2020 and Henry Marston 2023.

Printed on waterproof paper by Hassall and Lucking.

Special map symbols:-

Black X = seat or bench                    

Green X = large tree stump, the standing trunk of a former 417 Significant Tree (Green O)           

The pictorial Root stock / Tree Stump symbol is used for these

Black O = play equipment

Hides come and go, and therefore are not shown on the map.

The symbol 418, Prominent bush or tree (small green circle with central white spot, smaller than symbol 417 Significant Tree) may be a single holly, cypress, yew or other bush/small tree, with branches down to ground level. The pictorial Thicket symbol is used for these.

Event Officials

Organisers Susan Guy & Jacky Dakin (SYO)   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  |  07708 851318
Planner Henry Marston (SYO)
Controller Brian Slater (HALO)

Our thanks to Doncaster City Council for permission to use Sandall Beat Woods and Playing Fields.

Safety & risk

A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. If a competitor has a pre-existing medical condition that they think should be declared, please complete a medical form at enquiries. The sealed envelope will only be opened in an emergency.


SYO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser. Read our photography policy.


When entering our events your personal details (name, gender, age class & club) will appear in the results section of this website. Read our privacy policy to see how we look after your personal data.


Flat but attractive runnable woodland.

Read more: Sandall Beat