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Regional Event

Sunday 10 November 2024
Blacka Moor - Sheffield



An orienteering event for everyone also part of the YHOA superleague see later for course eligability. Please get in touch ( details at end) if you need any help with entries or any more information.

On fabian4, standard price close on midnight Sunday 3rd November.

Senior British Orienteering (BO) member £8 non members add £2
Juniors, students and adults on Score (over 16s only) or Orange to White courses £4
Family ( 2 adults + as many children as possible) BO £ 20 non members +£4
Si ( electronic timer) hire £1

Pre marked course maps included.
Unfortunately no dogs on courses.

Helpers are very welcome, use SYOHELPER to get your 50% discount, available until 1st closing date. Please email Lucy on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please let me know your timing and job requirements.

Late entries from 4th November  to Friday 8th on fabian 4 may be accepted if there are any maps available, £2 extra per entry.

Parking and assembly
Old Dyson factory on A625, Baslow Rd, Totley, Sheffield S17 3BL.
218 bus from central Sheffield and 97 bus from Dore station both every 30mins ish to within 500m, 50min cycle from Central Sheffield. Car share to save the planet if you can.
53.3075339, -1.5553976
Grid ref SK296 790

Starts from 1030-1230. Please select a 15minute start block. Courses close at 1430, controls will be collected from this time, start early if you are going to take a long time.

Provisional Course Lengths, subject to change.

                 Course Length (km) Climb Suggested Men's Classes Suggested Women's Classes
Black                        8.6   430m                     M21
Brown                       7.7   350m               M35, M40, M20                             W21
Short Brown             6.3  330m                M18, M45, M50                         W20, W35
Blue                          5.3  280m                M16, M55, M60                   W18, W40, W45
Short Blue                3.9   200m                      M65, M70                    W16, W50, W55
Green                       3.5   165m                        M75                             W60, W65
Short Green             3.4      95m                         M80                                W70
Very Short Green     2.7       50m                  M85, M90                   W75, W80, W85, W90
Light Green              3.6    125m                     M14                                    W14
Orange                     3.5        60m                    M12                                     W12
Yellow                       2.7       70m                    M10                                     W10
White                        1.8       55m
Score 75 minutes                                                  Over 16s only

The course categories are suggestions by British Orienteering but you are free to run whichever course you wish. To score in YHOA superleague you can still run whichever course you wish as the scoring system takes that into account.

Although the distances for Short Green, Green and Short Blue are similar the courses are across progressively more physically demanding areas and so winning times are expected to be in line with guidelines.
For the score course there are 30 checkpoints. Each checkpoint is worth 10 points and for every minute or part minute you are late there is a 10 point penalty. This is a good option for those newer to the sport but wanting a longer option.

Map is 1:10,000 scale 5m contours updated in part 2024.

Start and Finish

The finish is 400m from Assembly.
Please be very careful on the run in. It is quite steep down, singletrack and can be slippery. We will try and clear some of the sides to make room for overtaking but be wary of other competitors.
The start is 1.2km away with 100m climb. It passes the finish en route if you wish to leave clothing there. We hope to provide a shelter tent at the finish.
The route to the start includes one relatively steep climb and is about 70% on a taped route in terrain and 30% on a track (also taped) and nearly all in the open.
It is possible you will encounter competing runners crossing you on the walk to the start and maybe even waiting at the start so please give way to those athletes.
The start is in the open and may be exposed if weather is bad.

It will be a punching start so there shouldn’t be a need to wait around too much.

Terrain and Mapping Notes
The terrain is a mix of open moorland with varying runnability and a more wooded northern section.
There are many hills and valleys so all courses have elevation changes.

As the bracken is still higher than hoped we have used the undergrowth screen symbol (vertical green stripes) to represent areas where bracken exists. This has not been accurately mapped and only is shown where we think it impacts the courses and not consistently across the whole map. It is not to be used for fine navigation but should aid with route choice. It has improved in the last month and you can get through it fine, it just might slow you down.There are many very small animal tracks in the terrain that have not been mapped. Only significant tracks are on the map.

Standing fences and walls are only to be crossed at marked crossing points. The course line will be diverted though or if there is a choice of points then there will be a gap in the line.
Crossing points are a mixture of stiles, gates or sections of wooden slats.
Areas of out of bounds (vertical purple stripes) marked on the map must not be entered.
Please pay particular attention on the score course where you will otherwise have free choice of route.

A previous map of the area can be found here:


Blackamoor is managed by Sheffield Wildlife trust, Totley moor by the Eastern moors partnership, we thank both these organisation for their help.


Whistles must be carried.
Hooded waterproof( taped seam) coats may be required. Notices will be placed on the entrance to car park to confirm.
The area is shared with dog walkers, mountain bikers, horse riders, deer, cattle and sheep please be courteous and go around where necessary.
It is likely to be cold/ wet/windy please assess and dress appropriately. There are steep slopes, bracken, mud, rocks and other hazards, take care.
There are also cows in the area so beware of spooking them. They have been docile whenever I have
been there but if unsure give them a wide berth. They occur in multiple parts of the area but may be
where the White and Yellow course go so parents please warn children.

The Dyson factory is available to us via Blenheim estates, please take care it is no longer active and due for demolition, do not enter any buildings unless clearly marked as part of the event, some areas may be taped off, ensure children are properly supervised and do no approach any areas that are not being used by the event. Use the toilets provided!

Planner                   Jonathan Crickmore SYO
Map 2024 updates   Ian Cooper SYO
Organiser                 Lucy Wiegand SYO                      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 07952688968
Controller                  Dom Dakin SYO


Safety & risk

A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. If a competitor has a pre-existing medical condition that they think should be declared, please complete a medical form at enquiries. The sealed envelope will only be opened in an emergency.


SYO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser. Read our photography policy.


When entering our events your personal details (name, gender, age class & club) will appear in the results section of this website. Read our privacy policy to see how we look after your personal data.


The area we call Blacka Moor is a physically challenging area, though brambles and even bracken are less fierce in 2017.  It consists of two distinct parts, Blacka Moor and Totley Moor.

Blacka Moor is the northern part, cut by two streams with steep sided valleys. The northern and eastern parts of this area are a mixture of deciduous woodland, with some bramble and bracken and open moorland with bracken, bilberry and heather, but with a good track network. The southern part of this area is mostly open moorland but with some open pasture, making for faster running.

Totley Moor is the southern part of the area,  mostly wild open moorland with heather or moor grass, but with many pits towards the eastern edge of the area.

The area is exposed and competitors should be dressed appropriately in the event of cold or wet weather.

Read more: Blacka Moor