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Saturday Series 8

Saturday 20 May 2023
Graves Park - Sheffield
View Results
Splits Analysis:
View Splits Analysis


It seems we are always blessed with sunshine at Graves Park. I hope you all enjoyed the penultimate Saturday Series event, I heard lot of complimentary comments on the courses so well done to Chris Williamson.  As ever a huge thankyou to all of our helpers, we couldn't do it without you.

Results and split times are on the links above. Schools results from the event are below and the overall league results are here

Schools Results


  School Points Runners Counters
1= Carterknowle 394 6 Edwin Jones (100) Joseph Trenell (99) Eliza Jones (99) Alex Johnson (96)
1= Hunters Bar 394 18 Esther French (99) Alex French (99) Vincent Stephens (98) Esther Savage (98)
3 Ecclesall 392 8 Verity Marshall (100) Jack Walwyn (99) Esther Gardner (97) Evie Best (96)
4 Westways 386 8 Lucy Holt (100) Emily Davison (99) Adrian Snowton (95) Leo Atkins (92)
5= Dobcroft 385 7 Beatrice Farrell (98) Emily Bell (97) Thomas Pearn (97) Sasha Broughton (93)
5= Nethergreen 385 9 Zac Garratt (100) Alexander Cadman (98) Ruben Murray (94) Albert Farnell (93)
7 Carfield 198 2 Jasper Kerr (100) Phoebe Kerr (98)
8 Rainbow Forge 195 2 Beau Elliot (100) Eliza Blue Elliott (95)
9 Abbeylane 188 2 Lucy Heyes (94) Alexander Lilley (94)
10 St Andrews 184 2 Heather Gardiner-Wells (92) EDWARD Longden (92)
11 Greystones 181 2 Tomas Barani (93) Edward Bigley (88)
12 Brunswick School 180 2 Holly Kirkham (93) Bethany Kirkham (87)
13 Rivelin 176 2 Elisabeth Himsworth (92) Kaya Hegarty (84)
14 Northfield 174 2 Isabella Walker (90) Giorgio Avella (84)
15 Mundella 172 2 Sam Wood (91) Jay Waller (81)
16 Totley Primary 171 2 Maya Elangasinghe (91) Xavym Elangasinghe (80)
17= Bradway 97 1 Jay Horn (97)
17= Totley All Saints 97 1 Megan Grindrod (97)
19 Hallam 96 1 Edward Beaumont (96)
20= St Maries 95 1 Daniel Byrne (95)
20= Stocksbridge Junior 95 1 Ellie Murray (95)
22 St Johns 88 1 Florenle Belli (88)


  School Points Runners Counters
1 High Storrs 400 11 Ella Baxter (100) Lawrence Hodgson (100) Freya Tryner (100) Evan Jenkinson (100)
2 King Edwards 395 7 Freddie Guy (100) Lucy-Laura Miller (99) Anna Holt (98) Lydia Miller (98)
3 Mercia 392 6 Sophie Howsam (100) Abigail Howsam (99) Hannah Bendrey (97) Rhys Caudwell (96)
4= Tapton 290 3 Cheung Kang Lee (98) Oliver Maaranen (98) Thomas Graham (94)
4= Silverdale 290 3 Ciara Keen (99) Evie Millman (96) Rafferty Scrimshaw (95)
6 Lady Manners 197 2 Caspar Reynolds (99) Pasco Reynolds (98)
7 King Ecgberts 189 2 Leo Hart (95) Luca Bates (94)
8 Pipworth 97 1 Barney Ireson (97)
9 Hope Valley College 96 1 Jack Burnham (96)
10 Penistone 93 1 Flynn Rogers (93)
11 Notre Dame 92 1 Joseph Byrne (92)
12 Eckington 90 1 Oskar Woods (90)
13 Westfield School 89 1 Charlie Llewellyn (89)

Year Group Results

Primary G4

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Hunters Bar 283 3 Esther French (99) Elsie Brenner (95) Miriam Basran (89)
2 Dobcroft 280 3 Emily Bell (97) Sasha Broughton (93) Molly Lasko (90)
3 Nethergreen 265 3 Eliza Farnell (91) Iris Lawless (87) Florence Bentley (87)
4 Ecclesall 196 2 Verity Marshall (100) Evie Best (96)
5 Carfield 98 1 Phoebe Kerr (98)
6 Rainbow Forge 95 1 Eliza Blue Elliott (95)
7 St Andrews 92 1 Heather Gardiner-Wells (92)
8 St Johns 88 1 Florenle Belli (88)
9 Brunswick School 87 1 Bethany Kirkham (87)
10 Rivelin 84 1 Kaya Hegarty (84)

Primary B4

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Hunters Bar 267 3 Vincent Stephens (98) Arlo Brenner (87) Thomas Crossland (82)
2 Westways 264 3 Athelen Hayward (91) Alex Cooper (90) Owen Hayward (83)
3 Carterknowle 199 2 Edwin Jones (100) Joseph Trenell (99)
4 Nethergreen 183 2 Ruben Murray (94) Javier Littler-Medina (89)
5 Greystones 181 2 Tomas Barani (93) Edward Bigley (88)
6 Ecclesall 171 2 Jonathan Farnsworth (86) Billy Hart (85)
7 Bradway 97 1 Jay Horn (97)
8 Hallam 96 1 Edward Beaumont (96)
9 St Maries 95 1 Daniel Byrne (95)
10 St Andrews 92 1 EDWARD Longden (92)
11 Dobcroft 84 1 Henry Hammond (84)
12 Mundella 81 1 Jay Waller (81)
13 Totley Primary 80 1 Xavym Elangasinghe (80)

Primary G5

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Hunters Bar 291 3 Esther Savage (98) Siri Watson (97) Mia Hart (96)
2 Westways 199 2 Lucy Holt (100) Emily Davison (99)
3 Stocksbridge Junior 95 1 Ellie Murray (95)
4 Abbeylane 94 1 Lucy Heyes (94)
5 Brunswick School 93 1 Holly Kirkham (93)
6 Rivelin 92 1 Elisabeth Himsworth (92)
7 Totley Primary 91 1 Maya Elangasinghe (91)
8 Northfield 90 1 Isabella Walker (90)

Primary B5

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Hunters Bar 293 8 Alex French (99) Samuel Crossland (98) Oscar Stephens (96)
2= Dobcroft 186 2 Thomas Pearn (97) Eddie Millman (89)
2= Nethergreen 186 2 Zac Garratt (100) Jacob Long (86)
4 Westways 95 1 Adrian Snowton (95)
5 Abbeylane 94 1 Alexander Lilley (94)
6 Mundella 91 1 Sam Wood (91)
7 Ecclesall 90 1 Lucas Finlay (90)
8 Northfield 84 1 Giorgio Avella (84)

Primary G6

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Carterknowle 194 2 Eliza Jones (99) Aneesa Chowdhory (95)
2 Rainbow Forge 100 1 Beau Elliot (100)
3 Dobcroft 98 1 Beatrice Farrell (98)
4= Ecclesall 97 1 Esther Gardner (97)
4= Totley All Saints 97 1 Megan Grindrod (97)

Primary B6

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Ecclesall 194 2 Jack Walwyn (99) Kenzie Farnsworth (95)
2 Nethergreen 191 2 Alexander Cadman (98) Albert Farnell (93)
3 Carterknowle 190 2 Alex Johnson (96) Charlie Bramhill (94)
4 Westways 183 2 Leo Atkins (92) Edan Hayward (91)
5 Carfield 100 1 Jasper Kerr (100)
6 Hunters Bar 97 1 Louis Bryant (97)

Secondary G7

  School Points Runners Counters
1 King Edwards 294 3 Lucy-Laura Miller (99) Anna Holt (98) Hannah Martindale (97)
2 Mercia 100 1 Sophie Howsam (100)

Secondary B7

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Tapton 192 2 Cheung Kang Lee (98) Thomas Graham (94)
2 King Edwards 100 1 Freddie Guy (100)
3 High Storrs 99 1 Jack Baxter (99)
4 Pipworth 97 1 Barney Ireson (97)
5 Hope Valley College 96 1 Jack Burnham (96)
6 King Ecgberts 95 1 Leo Hart (95)

Secondary G8/9

  School Points Runners Counters
1 High Storrs 289 3 Ella Baxter (100) Emily Finlay (95) Eliana Holloway (94)
2 Mercia 196 2 Abigail Howsam (99) Hannah Bendrey (97)
3 King Edwards 191 2 Lydia Miller (98) Laila Watson (93)
4 Silverdale 96 1 Evie Millman (96)

Secondary B8/9

  School Points Runners Counters
1 High Storrs 296 3 Lawrence Hodgson (100) Walter Faulkner (99) Wilson Faulkner (97)
2 Mercia 187 2 Rhys Caudwell (96) Edward Heyes (91)
3 Lady Manners 98 1 Pasco Reynolds (98)
4 Silverdale 95 1 Rafferty Scrimshaw (95)
5 King Ecgberts 94 1 Luca Bates (94)
6 Penistone 93 1 Flynn Rogers (93)
7 Notre Dame 92 1 Joseph Byrne (92)
8 Eckington 90 1 Oskar Woods (90)
9 Westfield School 89 1 Charlie Llewellyn (89)

Secondary G10/11

  School Points Runners Counters
1 High Storrs 100 1 Freya Tryner (100)
2 Silverdale 99 1 Ciara Keen (99)

Secondary B10/11

  School Points Runners Counters
1 High Storrs 100 1 Evan Jenkinson (100)
2 Lady Manners 99 1 Caspar Reynolds (99)
3 Tapton 98 1 Oliver Maaranen (98)
4 King Edwards 97 1 Joseph Guy (97)
5 Mercia 96 1 John Doyle (96)

Secondary B12/13

  School Points Runners Counters
1 High Storrs 199 2 Euan Tryner (100) Dylan Jenkinson (99)

Individual School Results

Year 4 Girls - White Course

  Name School Time
1 Verity Marshall Ecclesall 5:48
2 Esther French Hunters Bar 7:05
3 Phoebe Kerr Carfield 7:48
4 Emily Bell Dobcroft 8:00
5 Evie Best Ecclesall 8:10
6 Elsie Brenner Hunters Bar 8:12
6= Eliza Blue Elliott Rainbow Forge 8:12
8 Sasha Broughton Dobcroft 8:34
9 Heather Gardiner-Wells St Andrews 10:21
10 Eliza Farnell Nethergreen 10:33
11 Molly Lasko Dobcroft 11:14
12 Miriam Basran Hunters Bar 11:25
13 Florenle Belli St Johns 11:30
14 Bethany Kirkham Brunswick School 11:46
14= Iris Lawless Nethergreen 11:46
14= Florence Bentley Nethergreen 11:46
17 Kaya Hegarty Rivelin 12:38
mp Esther Ireson Pipworth 9:01

Year 4 Boys - White Course

  Name School Time
1 Edwin Jones Carterknowle 5:06
2 Joseph Trenell Carterknowle 6:17
3 Vincent Stephens Hunters Bar 6:22
4 Jay Horn Bradway 6:31
5 Edward Beaumont Hallam 7:17
6 Daniel Byrne St Maries 7:30
7 Ruben Murray Nethergreen 7:31
8 Tomas Barani Greystones 7:33
9 EDWARD Longden St Andrews 7:38
10 Athelen Hayward Westways 7:51
11 Alex Cooper Westways 7:53
12 Javier Littler-Medina Nethergreen 8:04
13 Edward Bigley Greystones 8:08
14 Arlo Brenner Hunters Bar 8:10
15 Jonathan Farnsworth Ecclesall 8:14
16 Billy Hart Ecclesall 8:23
17 Henry Hammond Dobcroft 8:34
18 Owen Hayward Westways 8:35
19 Thomas Crossland Hunters Bar 8:37
20 Jay Waller Mundella 11:29
21 Xavym Elangasinghe Totley Primary 13:27
mp Hrishi Popat Dobcroft 20:56
mp Jules Hamilton Ecclesall 6:49

Year 5 Girls - White Course

  Name School Time
1 Lucy Holt Westways 6:22
2 Emily Davison Westways 6:45
3 Esther Savage Hunters Bar 7:21
4 Siri Watson Hunters Bar 7:36
5 Mia Hart Hunters Bar 8:56
6 Ellie Murray Stocksbridge Junior 9:03
7 Lucy Heyes Abbeylane 10:10
8 Holly Kirkham Brunswick School 11:47
9 Elisabeth Himsworth Rivelin 12:01
10 Maya Elangasinghe Totley Primary 14:50
11 Isabella Walker Northfield 20:13

Year 5 Boys - White Course

  Name School Time
1 Zac Garratt Nethergreen 4:28
2 Alex French Hunters Bar 5:19
3 Samuel Crossland Hunters Bar 6:02
4 Thomas Pearn Dobcroft 6:08
5 Oscar Stephens Hunters Bar 6:10
6 Adrian Snowton Westways 6:26
7 Alexander Lilley Abbeylane 6:34
8 Alec Johnston Hunters Bar 6:40
9 Toby Allison Hunters Bar 6:55
10 Sam Wood Mundella 6:58
11 Lucas Finlay Ecclesall 7:26
12 Eddie Millman Dobcroft 7:28
13 Bruno Fraser Mathers Hunters Bar 7:29
14 Alex Cologne Hunters Bar 8:13
15 Jacob Long Nethergreen 10:32
16 Susannah Basran Hunters Bar 13:35
17 Giorgio Avella Northfield 20:10

Year 6 Girls - Yellow Course

  Name School Time
1 Beau Elliot Rainbow Forge 9:34
2 Eliza Jones Carterknowle 11:07
3 Beatrice Farrell Dobcroft 15:24
4 Esther Gardner Ecclesall 16:33
4= Megan Grindrod Totley All Saints 16:33
6 Aneesa Chowdhory Carterknowle 41:40

Year 6 Boys - Yellow Course

  Name School Time
1 Jasper Kerr Carfield 8:59
2 Jack Walwyn Ecclesall 9:02
3 Alexander Cadman Nethergreen 9:25
4 Louis Bryant Hunters Bar 9:48
5 Alex Johnson Carterknowle 12:08
6 Kenzie Farnsworth Ecclesall 13:24
7 Charlie Bramhill Carterknowle 15:23
8 Albert Farnell Nethergreen 15:28
9 Leo Atkins Westways 18:27
10 Edan Hayward Westways 36:49
mp Fred Marshall Ecclesall 17:32

Year 7 Girls - Yellow Course

  Name School Time
1 Sophie Howsam Mercia 10:01
2 Lucy-Laura Miller King Edwards 12:07
3 Anna Holt King Edwards 26:15
4 Hannah Martindale King Edwards 36:48

Year 7 Boys - Yellow Course

  Name School Time
1 Freddie Guy King Edwards 8:25
2 Jack Baxter High Storrs 10:35
3 Cheung Kang Lee Tapton 11:47
4 Barney Ireson Pipworth 12:45
5 Jack Burnham Hope Valley College 14:36
6 Leo Hart King Ecgberts 20:13
7 Thomas Graham Tapton 23:58
mp Oliver Pearn Silverdale 19:36
mp Sam Bell Silverdale 19:39

Year 8 & 9 Girls - Orange Course

  Name School Time
1 Ella Baxter High Storrs 15:49
2 Abigail Howsam Mercia 24:13
3 Lydia Miller King Edwards 27:08
4 Hannah Bendrey Mercia 32:05
5 Evie Millman Silverdale 32:41
6 Emily Finlay High Storrs 33:09
7 Eliana Holloway High Storrs 33:28
8 Laila Watson King Edwards 36:03

Year 8 & 9 Boys - Orange Course

  Name School Time
1 Lawrence Hodgson High Storrs 15:18
2 Walter Faulkner High Storrs 16:06
3 Pasco Reynolds Lady Manners 17:01
4 Wilson Faulkner High Storrs 18:10
5 Rhys Caudwell Mercia 18:45
6 Rafferty Scrimshaw Silverdale 20:06
7 Luca Bates King Ecgberts 25:26
8 Flynn Rogers Penistone 25:34
9 Joseph Byrne Notre Dame 26:43
10 Edward Heyes Mercia 31:37
11 Oskar Woods Eckington 47:30
12 Charlie Llewellyn Westfield School 84:05

Year 10 & 11 Girls - Light Green Course

  Name School Time
1 Freya Tryner High Storrs 23:35
2 Ciara Keen Silverdale 27:11

Year 10 & 11 Boys - Light Green Course

  Name School Time
1 Evan Jenkinson High Storrs 21:41
2 Caspar Reynolds Lady Manners 23:03
3 Oliver Maaranen Tapton 25:43
4 Joseph Guy King Edwards 28:29
5 John Doyle Mercia 28:44

Year 12 & 13 Boys - Blue Course

  Name School Time
1 Euan Tryner High Storrs 40:11
2 Dylan Jenkinson High Storrs 49:21


Please note: Due to clash with another event we have had to switch the Meersbrook and Graves Park events over so Graves is now on the 20th May and Meersbrook is on 10th June. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

This is one of our Saturday Series of events aimed at introducing adult and junior newcomers to orienteering. Running alongside the public event is the very popular SFSS schools' league. There are also green and blue courses which take in the intricate contoured area in Cobnar Woods for more experienced orienteers. Non-members are welcome. 


Location and parking

We will be based by the playground and cafe building - what3words cling.blame.exit. The nearest car park is at the Rare Breeds Centre off Hemsworth Road - this is Pay & Display.  There are free car parks at Charles Ashmore Road and Cobnar Road   There is plenty of parking on the roads around the park but please park considerately. Buses seem to be pretty regular with a variety of routes Plan your journey

Schools Event

Running alongside the public event is an event in the Sheffield Schools Orienteering League for both Primary and Secondary pupils.  Entry to the schools event is free if your school is a member of the SFSS and you are in Y3 or above. Information about the SFSS Orienteering League is here.


Starts for white and yellow will be open from 12.30 to 3pm.
Starts for orange and light green will be open from 12.30pm to 2.45pm
Starts for green and blue will be open from 12.30 to 2.30pm.

All courses close at 3:30pm at which time we will start to collect controls so please make sure you start early enough to complete your course in time.


All courses are entry on the day.  You just have to turn up, pick a course and fill in an entry form.  There will be people on hand to help you if you have any questions.

If you ran one of the previous schools events in the series then you should have completed an entry form an been given a number. With the number we are able to add you into the results system much quicker.

For those who would like to do a second run you will need to complete another entry slip with the same details as before. 


Adults £5, SYO / British Orienteering members £4
Children £2 (Free for the first run if you are in Y3 or above and your schools is in the SFSS), Students £2

Any additional courses will cost an additional £1 (Or £2 if your previous run was free)
If you would like to go around in a group (with just one dibber) you just pay for one entry, plus £1 for each extra map.


We need volunteers for this event to go ahead. PleaseThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are able to spare an hour or so. Helpers receive a free entry. 

Map & Terrain

1:5000, 5m contours

map extract Graves
The area is very varied terrain wise combining the formal gardens surrounding the hall, with the former quarry gardens and the woodland, which is a steep sided valley with some interesting contour detail and a variety of vegetation. 


Toilets, adventure playground and animal farmyard. Unfortunately the cafe is still closed but there is often a coffee van be the tennis courts.


See below for details on the courses on offer. Course lengths are indicative and may well change subject to final planning and controlling. You can choose to run any course you would like but pupils should run the course for their school year to be competitive in the league.

Course School Years Distance Technical Level Who is it for?


1km, 30m

1 The easiest course and a great place for children to start.  The course is entirely on paths and each time you have to make a decision - which path to take, there will be a control point.




The next step up and a good place for teenagers etc. to start.  The course will use paths but also other line features - Fences, streams etc.
It will also no longer have a control every time you need to decide where you are going. For example you may need to make a couple of turns on paths between controls.

Because of the park setting there will be some controls that do not follow line feature.  Instead they will be on a point feature (e.g. a tree) but close by.  By turning the map so that it matches the ground you will be able to see the next control to go to.




Harder still, the Orange course introduces:

  • Choosing routes - e.g. should I go round the paths to the left or right
  • Using 'Point Features' as control sites
  • Basic use of a compass
Light green



Ideal for improvers  The navigation difficulty increases and you start to use simple contours and point features.




As techincally difficult as the area allows but avoids the most physically difficult terrain.





As for the Green but longer and hillier...

Additional Safety Info

This is a very busy public park. Please be courteous to members of the public while out on your course. Please wear shoes with good grips. Full leg cover should be worn by those running the orange, light green, green or blue courses. Children can be shadowed by an adult.


Planner - Chris Williamson
Organisers - Pauline & Pete Tryner email: pauline 'at'
Controller - Colin Best



Safety & risk

A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. If a competitor has a pre-existing medical condition that they think should be declared, please complete a medical form at enquiries. The sealed envelope will only be opened in an emergency.


SYO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser. Read our photography policy.


When entering our events your personal details (name, gender, age class & club) will appear in the results section of this website. Read our privacy policy to see how we look after your personal data.


Graves park is Sheffield’s largest park and arguably provides the widest variety of orienteering terrain.  As well as a good path network and open spaces, there are wooded valleys, steepening at the west, with old mineral workings providing a small area of interesting contour detail.

Non-orienteering attractions include a café and a rare-breeds animal farm.

Read more: Graves Park