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Saturday Series 6

Saturday 1 April 2023
Norfolk Park - Sheffield
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Splits Analysis:
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Hope you all enjoyed your courses today. Thank you to Paul Norman for planning and Colin Best for controlling and of course all our other helpers. The results and splits are available on the links above. Individual schools results are on the 'Other' link. Schools results are below.  League results have been updated League Results Adult League Results

Schools Team Results


  School Points Runners Counters
1 Carterknowle 396 9 Edwin Jones (100) Joseph Trenell (99) Eliza Jones (99) Aneesa Chowdhory (98)
2 Hunters Bar 395 12 Esther French (99) Alex French (99) Louis Bryant (99) Oscar Stephens (98)
3 Nethergreen 391 13 Zac Garratt (100) Alexander Cadman (100) Anna Hinds (98) Sam Kenneth (93)
4 Greystones 380 6 Zachary Alexander (97) Finn Mackie (97) Jonah Bargh (94) Henry Alexander (92)
5= Ecclesall 374 7 Edward Hook (97) Jonathan Farnsworth (95) Oliver Williams (91) Ted Bottomley (91)
5= Westways 374 5 Lucy Holt (99) Edan Hayward (95) Isaac Pearce (94) Oscar Pearce (86)
7 Rainbow Forge 296 3 Eliza Blue Elliott (100) Beau Elliot (100) Esme Elliot (96)
8 Hoylandswain 287 3 Monty Hallam (98) Kasiah Naylor-Smith (95) Isla Hallam (94)
9 Mundella 263 3 Sam Wood (91) Elliott Noble (87) Johnny Waller (85)
10 Carfield 194 2 Jasper Kerr (98) Phoebe Kerr (96)
11= Hallam 186 2 Elsie Harper (97) Martha Preston (89)
11= Brunswick School 186 2 Holly Kirkham (95) Bethany Kirkham (91)
13 Nook Lane 157 2 Jamie Blood (81) Aidan Shearing-Smalley (76)
14 Stocksbridge Junior 100 1 Ellie Murray (100)
15 St Andrews 98 1 Heather Gardiner-Wells (98)
16 St Maries 96 1 Daniel Byrne (96)
17 Dobcroft 95 1 Otis Scrimshaw (95)
18 Rivelin 94 1 Lam Clare (94)
19 Youlgrave 92 1 Max Halson (92)
20 Home Schooled 89 1 Nathanael Turner (89)


  School Points Runners Counters
1 High Storrs 399 13 Beth Sykes (100) Freya Tryner (100) James Bryant (100) Ella Baxter (99)
2 Tapton 391 4 William Preston (100) Stanley Preston (99) Cheung Kang Lee (97) Otis Dee (95)
3 King Edwards 389 4 Freya Hill (100) Freddie Guy (100) Anna Holt (97) Achilleas Danby (92)
4 Silverdale 386 5 Anna Todd (98) Olivia White (97) Ciara Keen (96) Joseph Thake (95)
5 Mercia 289 3 Sophie Howsam (99) Abigail Howsam (97) Rhys Caudwell (93)
6 Lady Manners 197 2 Caspar Reynolds (99) Pasco Reynolds (98)
7 Notre Dame 177 2 Joseph Byrne (90) Patrick Coefield (87)
8 Home Schooled 94 1 Caleb Turner (94)
9 Ecclesall 93 1 Jacob Williams (93)
10 Penistone 91 1 Flynn Rogers (91)
11 King Ecgberts 89 1 Luca Bates (89)
12 Eckington 88 1 Oskar Woods (88)

Schools Year Group Results

Primary G4

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Hoylandswain 189 2 Kasiah Naylor-Smith (95) Isla Hallam (94)
2 Hallam 186 2 Elsie Harper (97) Martha Preston (89)
3 Nethergreen 182 2 Eliza Farnell (92) Iris Lawless (90)
4 Rainbow Forge 100 1 Eliza Blue Elliott (100)
5 Hunters Bar 99 1 Esther French (99)
6 St Andrews 98 1 Heather Gardiner-Wells (98)
7 Carfield 96 1 Phoebe Kerr (96)
8 Carterknowle 93 1 Esther Bryan (93)
9 Brunswick School 91 1 Bethany Kirkham (91)

Primary B4

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Greystones 283 5 Zachary Alexander (97) Jonah Bargh (94) Henry Alexander (92)
2 Nethergreen 269 6 Ruben Murray (91) Rohan Selvarajah (90) Arthur Brown (88)
3 Hunters Bar 262 4 Vincent Stephens (93) Douglas Feetam (87) Thomas Crossland (82)
4 Carterknowle 199 2 Edwin Jones (100) Joseph Trenell (99)
5 Ecclesall 173 2 Jonathan Farnsworth (95) Ronnie Bottomley (78)
6 Westways 169 2 Oscar Pearce (86) Owen Hayward (83)
7 Nook Lane 157 2 Jamie Blood (81) Aidan Shearing-Smalley (76)
8 Hoylandswain 98 1 Monty Hallam (98)
9 St Maries 96 1 Daniel Byrne (96)
10 Mundella 85 1 Johnny Waller (85)

Primary G5

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Stocksbridge Junior 100 1 Ellie Murray (100)
2 Westways 99 1 Lucy Holt (99)
3 Nethergreen 98 1 Anna Hinds (98)
4 Hunters Bar 97 1 Siri Watson (97)
5 Rainbow Forge 96 1 Esme Elliot (96)
6 Brunswick School 95 1 Holly Kirkham (95)
7 Rivelin 94 1 Lam Clare (94)

Primary B5

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Hunters Bar 293 5 Alex French (99) Oscar Stephens (98) Alec Johnston (96)
2 Mundella 178 2 Sam Wood (91) Elliott Noble (87)
3 Nethergreen 100 1 Zac Garratt (100)
4 Greystones 97 1 Finn Mackie (97)
5 Dobcroft 95 1 Otis Scrimshaw (95)
6 Carterknowle 93 1 Billy Clark (93)
7 Youlgrave 92 1 Max Halson (92)
8 Ecclesall 91 1 Oliver Williams (91)
9 Home Schooled 89 1 Nathanael Turner (89)

Primary G6

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Carterknowle 197 2 Eliza Jones (99) Aneesa Chowdhory (98)
2 Rainbow Forge 100 1 Beau Elliot (100)

Primary B6

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Nethergreen 285 3 Alexander Cadman (100) Sam Kenneth (93) Albert Farnell (92)
2 Ecclesall 276 4 Edward Hook (97) Ted Bottomley (91) Ted Bottomley (88)
3 Carterknowle 275 3 Alex Johnson (96) Charlie Bramhill (90) Milo Bryan (89)
4 Westways 189 2 Edan Hayward (95) Isaac Pearce (94)
5 Hunters Bar 99 1 Louis Bryant (99)
6 Carfield 98 1 Jasper Kerr (98)

Secondary G7

  School Points Runners Counters
1 King Edwards 197 2 Freya Hill (100) Anna Holt (97)
2 Mercia 99 1 Sophie Howsam (99)
3 High Storrs 98 1 Polly Taylor (98)

Secondary B7

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Tapton 291 3 Stanley Preston (99) Cheung Kang Lee (97) Otis Dee (95)
2 High Storrs 194 2 Jack Baxter (98) Jasper Davies (96)
3 King Edwards 100 1 Freddie Guy (100)
4 Home Schooled 94 1 Caleb Turner (94)
5 Ecclesall 93 1 Jacob Williams (93)

Secondary G8/9

  School Points Runners Counters
1 High Storrs 297 3 Beth Sykes (100) Ella Baxter (99) Penny Bell (98)
2 Mercia 97 1 Abigail Howsam (97)

Secondary B8/9

  School Points Runners Counters
1 High Storrs 292 3 Lawrence Hodgson (99) Wilson Faulkner (97) Walter Faulkner (96)
2 Silverdale 189 2 Joseph Thake (95) Rafferty Scrimshaw (94)
3 Notre Dame 177 2 Joseph Byrne (90) Patrick Coefield (87)
4 Tapton 100 1 William Preston (100)
5 Lady Manners 98 1 Pasco Reynolds (98)
6 Mercia 93 1 Rhys Caudwell (93)
7 King Edwards 92 1 Achilleas Danby (92)
8 Penistone 91 1 Flynn Rogers (91)
9 King Ecgberts 89 1 Luca Bates (89)
10 Eckington 88 1 Oskar Woods (88)

Secondary G10/11

  School Points Runners Counters
1 Silverdale 291 3 Anna Todd (98) Olivia White (97) Ciara Keen (96)
2 High Storrs 199 2 Freya Tryner (100) Lotte Sykes (99)

Secondary B10/11

  School Points Runners Counters
1 High Storrs 198 2 James Bryant (100) Robbie Lightfoot (98)
2 Lady Manners 99 1 Caspar Reynolds (99)

Secondary G12/13

  School Points Runners Counters

Secondary B12/13

  School Points Runners Counters


This is the 6th race in the 2022/23 Saturday Series of events aimed at introducing adult and junior newcomers to orienteering and includes the very popular SFSS schools league. Alongside the white to light green courses, there are Green and Blue courses for adults using both the park and the surrounding intricate housing estates. This event is part of the Outdoor City's Festival of the Outdoors. If you've never tried orienteering before, this is an ideal opportunity - come along and give it a go!

Norfolk Park


Norfolk Park is close to the centre of Sheffield. We will be based at the Centre in the Park (here). Nearest postcode S2 2PL, What3words:

There is a car park off Guildford Avenue however there is only space for about 20 cars.  There are plenty of residential roads nearby but please park considerately.  

The park is well served by public transport. The nearest tram stop is Arbourthorne Road. It is a five minute walk from the tram stop to the Centre in the Park. Visit Plan My Journey for more options.

Registration will be in the Centre in the Park building with the start and finish adjacent. The centre has toilets and a fab cafe.


Registration for the events will open at 12:30pm and you can start any time from 12:30pm – 3pm on white, yellow and orange or up until 2.30pm on light green, green and blue. . All courses close at 3:30pm at which time we will start to collect controls so please make sure you start early enough to complete your course in time.

Schools Event

Running alongside the public event is an event in the SFSS Orienteering League for both Primary and Secondary pupils.  Entry to the schools event is free if your school is part of the SFSS and you are in Y3 or above. Information about the SFSS Orienteering League is here

First time

We have a team of helpers on hand to explain what to do. You can do whatever course you like and can go round as an individual, pair or group. You can run, jog or walk at your own pace.


Adults £5, SYO members £4
Children £2 (Free for the first run if you are in Y3 or above and your schools is in the SFSS)
Any additional courses will cost an additional £1 (Or £2 if your previous run was free)
If you would like to go around in a group you would just pay for one entry, plus £1 for each extra map.


All courses are entry on the day.  You just have to turn up, pick a course and fill in an entry form.  There will be people on hand to help you if you have any questions.

If you ran one of the previous schools events in the series then you should have completed an entry form an been given a number. With the number we are able to add you into the results system much quicker.


A nice warm registration area, lovely loos, a fab cafe and a great children's playground! 


Courses white to orange remain within the park while light green, green and blue also visit the surrounding urban area.

Norfolk Map Extract

If you complete a course and there is still time you are welcome to try another.

See below for details on the courses on offer.

Course School Years Distance Technical Level Who is it for?
White Y4,5


1 The easiest course and a great place for children to start.  The course is entirely on paths and each time you have to make a decision - which path to take, there will be a control point.
Yellow Y6,7 1.9km

The next step up and a good place for teenagers etc. to start.  The course will use paths but also other line features - Fences, streams etc.
It will also no longer have a control every time you need to decide where you are going. For example you may need to make a couple of turns on paths between controls.

Because of the park setting there will be some controls that do not follow line feature.  Instead they will be on a point feature (e.g. a tree) but close by.  By turning the map so that it matches the ground you will be able to see the next control to go to.

Orange Y8,9 2.6km

Harder still, the Orange course introduces:

  • Choosing routes - e.g. should I go round the paths to the left or right
  • Using 'Point Features' as control sites
  • Basic use of a compass
Light green Y10+ 3.3km

Harder than the Orange, this course will also go outside of the park and will cross minor roads. It is only suitable for secondary aged children or older.


Age 16+ 4.0km

A course which uses both the park and surrounding urban areas. It is as technically hard as we can make it given the area. Over 16s only due to road crossings.

Although a large part of this and the Blue course are urban we would advise using studded shoes and full leg cover as there are still plenty of grassy slopes and vegetation to negotiate.

Blue  Age 16+



As for the Green but longer and hillier...

Clothing, Equipment & Safety 

Shoes with good grips are important on all courses. Those competing on orange courses and above should wear full leg cover. White, yellow and orange courses remain in the park. Children can be shadowed or can take part in pairs. Only secondary aged children can do the light green course as it crosses minor roads.

Only 16 + on green and blue due to road crossings. Both Green and Blue courses encounter a busy road with tram tracks - this road is out of bounds and may only be crossed via bridges or underpasses. Please take care crossing all roads. Studded shoes advised for blue & green due to the prevalence of steep grassy slopes!


Planner: Paul Norman SYO
Organiser: Pauline Tryner SYO. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Controller: Colin Best SYO

Safety & risk

A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. If a competitor has a pre-existing medical condition that they think should be declared, please complete a medical form at enquiries. The sealed envelope will only be opened in an emergency.


SYO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser. Read our photography policy.


When entering our events your personal details (name, gender, age class & club) will appear in the results section of this website. Read our privacy policy to see how we look after your personal data.


Norfolk Heritage Park is a 28 hectare park with a long history, as it is one of the oldest public parks in the country.  From 1999 to 2005 the park has been regenerated through a £3.6 million restoration project.  New visitor facilities have been constructed, including the Centre in the Park, a multi-purpose community building.  The park landscape has been restored to its original Victorian character.

From an orienteering perspective its interest is largely in the woodlands that cover about 25% of the park and the urban surrounds which are currently undergoing re-development.  There is a permanent course, maps can be downloaded from the Friends of Norfolk Park website.

Mapping History:
2009 Ray Waight
2010 Chris Smithard (ShUOC) at 1:5000. 
2017 Pete Tryner for the the Outdoor City Weekender event with the urban area surrounding the park and All Saints school and Sheffield College (Scale 1:5000 2.5m contours)

Read more: Norfolk Park