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Regional event

Sunday 27 November 2022
Ramsley Moor
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Organiser's Comments

Thanks for coming and running and smiling. The weather was kind which took a load off my shoulders. Great to work with Bronwen and Mark, lots of nice comments at the finish about the difference from previous courses and how much more running was to be found today. Ramsley is one of the most scenic areas SYO uses, I hope you enjoyed the autumn colours, the semi flattened bracken, the barn owl and deer if you were lucky.

My thanks goes to the small but perfectly formed band of volunteers, it would really not run without you, particularly Chris, Yana and Charlie for on the day extra help, and everyone else who did extra bits as it was needed. For such a large club it is always a bit fraught to get enough help and means those that do help have to do longer shifts; it’s fun, there is sometimes cake and the more people step up the less extra time you need to spend at the event. (moan over).

I hope that everyone got the course they wanted, I didn’t anticipate that there would be so many after closing date entries, sorry. Close but a few more maps....

See you next time running over the misty moors.


Planner's Comments

Thank you all for running at Ramsley today. From those of you I spoke to, most of you enjoyed your runs. I’m sure the mild weather helped.
I tried very hard to make use of the least boggy and tussocky areas of the moor whilst providing some navigation to challenge the most experienced amongst you.
I’m afraid there were some things that I didn’t get quite right and I apologise to those of you affected. The orange course was difficult to plan and was probably over challenging despite the stirling efforts of my middle son in creating an elephant track to one control this morning, another control at the end of a linear marsh proved to be difficult too. Likewise the light green course was maybe more challenging than it should have been.
My other oversight was that the clarity of the map was made more difficult by my inaccurate lines between control circles around the path junctions after the stream crossing which on some courses covered the path up the steep hill. Many apologies to those of you affected by this who had a fence climb followed by a battle with undergrowth.

I would like to thank Mark for his great patience and support as this was my first time planning a regional event and to Steve for the last minute mapping changes. Huge thanks also to Lucy for her very efficient organising and knowing exactly what needed to be done about everything including when a dead cow was found between two control sites when checking control site tapes.

I am very grateful to all the club members who volunteered today to make the event possible and in particular to those who helped me put out controls and gather them all back in again before darkness descended.

Bronwen Doyle

Controller's Comments

I hope you enjoyed your runs on Ramsley Moor today. We were very lucky with the weather as this time of year it can be atrocious. I think Bronwen planned excellent courses and your feedback confirmed that. No 48 was the biggest talking point at download. The top 2 on blue both turned around early. It was suggested the control was too hard. Is it just me who loves a difficult leg and Bronwen should be congratulated on finding such a great leg. There were a few things Bronwen and I could have done better including 2 very difficult legs on the orange.

I would like to thank all the SYO helpers who made this event happen. The tireless Lucy for organising everyone and so efficiently too. Plus finally Bronwen for planning her 1st level C event so brilliantly.

Mark Chapman.


Event officials

Planner Bronwen Doyle SYO,
Organiser Lucy Wiegand SYO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 07952688968/ 01142680541
Controller Mark Chapman SYO


Safety & risk

A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. If a competitor has a pre-existing medical condition that they think should be declared, please complete a medical form at enquiries. The sealed envelope will only be opened in an emergency.


SYO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser. Read our photography policy.


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Ramsley Moor was mapped and used for the first time in 2009 and was described on Nopesport by one well known member of AIre as "a real gem"

Open mostly heathery moorland with large areas of runnable woodland, dissected by a large valley.   There are few linear features.  If it is wet, spotting the best crossing point  for some of the marshes can be important.

Read more: Ramsley Moor