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Sheffield City Race (UKUL)

Sunday 8 July 2018, 10:30 - 12:30
Sheffield City - Sheffield
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Ranking Points:
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Results, Winsplits, RouteGadget & Photos

Results have now been uploaded to the UKUL (and YUL) page - please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if there are any issues with these points. They have also been uploaded to the BOF website - Ranking Points can be seen from the link above (available from 18/7/18)

Apologies for the delay in publishing results - we had a few technical issues. Our thanks to Pete Tryner and Michael Napier for their assistance, which has enabled us to now publish the results, along with Winsplits and Routegadget.
If there are any issues with the results, do This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we can sort it out. (Uploaded 22:15 10/7/18)
We have also uploaded the photographs taken by Mark Dakin during the event (positioned on/just before the run in)

Thank you very much to everyone who came and enjoyed the Urban race today! We hope that despite the heat, you still had fun on the courses and a nice relax at the Cliffhanger festival afterwards (maybe with a beer from True North)!

Special thanks must go to the following volunteers. I can't thank you all enough for giving up your time to stand around in the sun and make the event run so smoothly!

Dominic Dakin - Planner / general superstar (too many jobs to list)
Jacky Dakin - Set up, pack up and first aid 
Mark Dakin - Set up, pack up and photography
Colin Best - Controller and roving helper!
Lucy Wiegand - Registration and first aid
Tim Wiegand - SI manager / download 
Isabelle and Simon Hodgson - Senior start
Ryan Elliott - Senior start and control collection
Tim Tett - Senior start
Clive Wilson - Junior start
Karl Marshall - Junior start
Melinda Riley - Registration
Colin Lynch - Registration
Pauline Wilson - Junior road crossing
Pete Mill - Junior road crossing
Mary Fleming - First aid
A huge thanks also need to go to True North Brewery for allowing us to use their space for our registration and download. 
Our thanks go to Sheffield University, Sheffield Cathedral, Urban Splash - Parkhill (Falconer Associates), Orchard Square, WestOne retail quarter, Irwin Mitchell, Velocity Village and IQ Brocco Student Accommodation, for granting us permission to site controls within their grounds.

Event Information
Updates made on Tuesday 3rd July shown in RED

Counting in the National Urban League UKUL and Yorkshire Urban League YUL

A chance to orienteer on the excellent technical Sheffield city centre map, also taking in Parkhill and Victoria Quays, while participating in the exciting Cliffhanger Festival! Courses (White to Black) to suit all ages, including a course for adult (16+) newcomers, and Junior courses (White, Yellow & L Green) that take in the challenging Springfield Housing Estate and WestOne development (all adult courses visit this area too). All courses finish up in Devonshire Green, alongside the British Bouldering Championships!
Please enter via Fabian4 . 50% discount for helpers. Please use discount code dsd68z. Limited EOD. 


Devonshire Green, Sheffield. Parking in surrounding streets, flat rate of £1 on Sundays. Nearest postcode S1 4GY. Google Maps

Assembly, Start & Finish

Assembly and the Finish will be in Devonshire Green. The junior start will be 275m walk, and the senior start 120m walk.  Also in assembly will be SYO's free Cliffhanger Maze - just one of the many activities part of the Cliffhanger Festival, that you can see and try.
Registration 10am-12 noon. Starts 10.30am -12.30pm. Courses close 14.30.
diagram new


Seniors £8 (£10 non BOF members), £4 White to Light Green (Including Adult Newcomers)
Family (2 Senior + up to 4 juniors) - £20 (£24 non BOF members)    
Juniors / Students - £4
SI card hire:  £1 
Lost SI card compensation: £30


Urban terrain around Sheffield City Centre including Parkhill, Victoria Quays and Springfield Housing Estate.


The course lengths given are straight line, so competitors can expect to run further than listed. The lengths, climb and number of controls are subject to change due to final controlling.


 Urban League Classes

Length (km) 

Climb (m)

No. Controls



Control Descriptions

Black  MO (M18-35)   8.3 130 35*  3 A3 Pictorial
Brown  MV (M40+)  WO (W18-35) 7.2 120 30*  3 A3 Pictorial
Blue  MSV (M55+)  WV (W40+) 5.8 110 27  3 A3 Pictorial
Green  MUV (M65+)  WSV (W55+) 4.5 90 22  3 A3 Pictorial
Newcomers (16+) - - 3.9 60 19 2/3 A3 Textual
Short Green   WUV (W65+) 3.3 55 16 3 A3 Pictorial
Note: No unaccompanied Juniors on the above courses, as they cross busy roads.
Light Green MJ (M16-) WJ (W16-) 3.2 45 22 3 A4 x2 Pictorial
Yellow MYJ (M12-) WYJ (W12-) 1.9 30 21 2 A4 Textual
White - - 1.0 15 14 1 A4 Textual
The Light Green course has a double-sided map. Once competitors reach the end of Part 1, they should turn over. An instruction is included in the control descriptions. The final control on Part 1 is marked as the start triangle on Part 2. Competitors should then continue on their course, to the finish.
* The Black & Brown Courses have 30 controls or more, so those with an SI Card will need a dibber that can record more punches. SYO have a limited number of Series 9 dibbers which can be loaned out. To check if you can run with your dibber, check out this Sportident card comparison, or check with registration on the day.


Updated by Tim Tett (2018) for the event. Based on the Sheffield City Map. Scale 1:4000 with 5m Contours. Printed by Hassal and Lucking.
All construction sites have been shown on the map using the standard purple screen with purple border, correct as at 01/07/18. Additionally, there will also be a number of temporary structures throughout the city centre for the Cliffhanger Festival; these structures, such as climbing walls, tents, zip wires and temporary barriers will NOT be shown on the map. 
Courses have been planned to avoid the main 'hubs' of action, but competitors will be alerted to any major last-minute alterations to the map as a result of the festival on the blank maps in the start lanes.


A full legend is given on the front of all maps. There are several impassable features on the area - please ensure you are aware of the symbols for these, as crossing these features will result in disqualification, and it may jeopardise future permissions for some of the areas.
Impassable Features


There are a number of underpasses in the area. All senior courses (other than Short Green) will encounter the underpasses below, that must be used to cross an OOB road (see 'Road Crossings' below). The diagram below attempts to explain the two most confusing!
Underpass Diagram

Control Descriptions

Loose control descriptions will be given in the start lanes for all courses.
They are printed on the front of the maps for all courses, other than Black, Brown & Blue, which have the CDs printed on the back of the map.
A black 'O' in the descriptions denotes a planter (either with a tree or shrubs in). On the map this is depicted as the shape of the planter outlined in black, and filled with light green. 
Special Symbol O

Road Crossings

Parts of three roads on the map (Arundel Gate, Furnival Gate & the A61) are marked as Out of Bounds, using vertical purple stripes. These must NOT be crossed under any circumstances.
All the Pelican Crossings across these (and some other) busy roads are marked on the map, using a pair of parallel purple overprint lines. On the OOB roads, the purple vertical stripes are also broken at the crossings. 
Where there is a choice of crossing on the leg, the line remains straight, but is cut where it passes over the road, indicating there is a choice. Where there is only one viable crossing point, the line is bent to the crossing.
As with the Underpasses above, the instruction in the control descriptions 'Use the/a Marked Crossing' indicates that a Pelican Crossing should be used to cross a busy road on the leg.
There are some exceptions to this:
  • Black and Brown Courses: There is a 1 minute 30 second Timed-Out crossing on these courses. Competitors should punch the first control (Time stops), and then proceed to use the pelican crossing to cross the road safely. Once across, punch the second control (Time resumes again). The time taken to cross (up to 1min 30sec) will be deducted from their time.
  • Black, Green & Newcomers Courses: There is a 1 minute Timed-Out crossing on these courses. As with the above Timed-Out crossing, the time taken to cross will be deducted from the competitors' time, up to a maximum of 1min
  • Blue and Green Courses: These courses have one control sited on a bridge over a road. Please ensure you remember to punch this control.

Junior Marshalled Road Crossing

Each junior will use this marshalled crossing on their way to the Start in the Springfield Estate, and later towards the end of their course. They should wait on their side of the road until the marshall indicates it is safe to cross.
As with the adults' Timed-Out crossing above, the time taken to cross will be deducted from the competitors' time. Whilst there is no maximum time allowed, competitors should not spend excess time before resuming their course


Competitors take part at their own risk & are responsible for their own safety.

The area is likely to be extremely busy with pedestrians as the event is run in conjunction with the Cliffhanger Festival, although courses have been planned to avoid the busiest locations. In addition, roads on the map are open to traffic and a lot of care should be taken when crossing.

Juniors courses mostly stay within the housing estate, on very quiet cul-de-sacs. The Light Green (and to some extent Yellow) do venture out into surrounding streets. These roads are still very minor but competitors are reminded to check carefully for cars before crossing any road. There are pavements beside all roads, and these should be used unless actually crossing the road.

Competitors on the senior courses should be aware that some roads that are crossed by courses are very busy. Timed out crossings (along with bridges and underpasses) have been utilised on the busiest roads, and controls placed to ensure that these are used.

Pelican Crossings across the busiest roads are marked clearly on the map, and these should be used on the legs where the control descriptions indicate to.

Competitors must Take Care Crossing Roads: Some roads are very busy. Look and Listen for a safe place to cross. For safety use crossing points where advised.

Sheffield City Race 2018


Safety & risk

A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. If a competitor has a pre-existing medical condition that they think should be declared, please complete a medical form at enquiries. The sealed envelope will only be opened in an emergency.


SYO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser. Read our photography policy.


When entering our events your personal details (name, gender, age class & club) will appear in the results section of this website. Read our privacy policy to see how we look after your personal data.


We haven't added any description of this venue yet, but you can still click the link below to see previous events that were held here.

Read more: Sheffield City