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Regional Event

Sunday 26 November 2017
Ecclesall Woods - Sheffield
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Sun 17:00 Results up,.  18:00 splits added.  19:20 Routegadget added  22:15 Uploaded to British Orienteering (ranking points calculated overnight so won't find them usng link above till tomorrow)

Ecclesall Woods is a wonderful ancient woodland. The orienteering is surprisingly complex and the more technical courses will provide significant challenge to the experienced orienteer.  There are a number of courses suitable for newcomers and young juniors. 

Parking, Assembly & Travel

Parking in the Millhouses Park north and south car parks - S7 2QN. Ppay and display  50p per hour; approach from city centre on Abbeydale road will lead to the north car park first, then road side parking then the south car park, if this is full you will have to drive on for some distance before you can turn round and start again at the top of the dual carriage way; we will try and put a notice before the north car park entrance to let you know that the south car park is full. There is no access to or exit from the south car park to the carriageway going north. 

Both locations are well served by public transport.



Public toilets in the park and the cafe will be open. The Pudding Ladies cafe is excellent and well worth a visit. There are many play facilities in Millhouses Park for children. We will be offering a matrix course in the park suitable for young children.



Entry on the day onlyAdults £10 (£8 members), Juniors, students, adults on courses up to long orange £4. Families running with 1 map and dibber also pay £4, additional maps £1.

Families £24 (Up to 2 adults & 4 children on separate courses) - £20 members

SI card hire £1, lost SI card compensation £30


Start times

Courses close*

10 00 – 12 00

10 30 – 12 30

14 00

*Please note & time your start earlier if you think you may take a long time


Adjacent to the south car park.

Start & Finish

The Start is 500m from south car park, followed taped route. Please take care and use the pedestrian crossings, there will be marshals but please escort your children.    The finish is adjacent to the start.   There will be a small tent where you can leave clothing.                               




Length (km)

Climb (m)

1 Brown



2 Blue



3 Green



4 Short Green



5 V Short Green



6 Light Green



7 Long Orange



8 Orange



9 Yellow



10 White



Courses 6-10 do not cross any road.

Courses 1-5 have a timed out crossing of Abbey Lane both ways

Courses 1-3 cross Whirlowdale Road at random points

Under 16s are not permitted on courses 1-3.(please speak to the organiser on the day if you have a special requirement).The timed out crossings will be manned. Please obey the marshal’s instructions for your own safety.


Map & terrain

1:7,500 (A4) for all courses at both events. Update 2017 by Ian Cooper ISOM 2017.

There are a lot of out of bounds on the new map, you must observe these, do not cross them unless there is a marked crossing, this is a requirement of our use of the area. These are all ecological; Eccesall woods have a population of native white clawed crayfish in all the streams. Many populations in other areas have been devastated by crayfish plague, a fungal disease carried by imported American crayfish. Do not go into the streams, use marked crossing points. Please wash and dry or disinfect your footwear before coming to the event. Thank you for keeping these at risk animals safe. Some OOB are marked with a border, these are not taped on the ground but are to make the areas to avoid clearer. Some streams simply have crosses on them, crossing points are marked in the normal way. Please look at the map available at registration before you start. Any comments will be received by the organiser after you have run and had some refreshments! Ecclesall woods is a fantastic area but we do need to ensure that we are able to use it in the future, so must take care of all its ecology. It is heavily used by the public so is under a lot of pressure.

The woods are mixed deciduous & holly with an extensive & complex path network, smaller paths can be difficult to see under fallen leaves. There are curiosities such as the grave of George Woodley, a woodsman who apparently now haunts the woods & an Iron Age decorated megalith which some courses have as a control.

Hides which are transient & significant trees are not mapped, the latter because there are too many.


Control Descriptions:  

Control descriptions will be printed on the maps.  Loose control descriptions will be available in the start lanes. White, Yellow and both oranges will have text descriptions, others IOF symbolic.


Competitors take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. The area is used by many dog-walkers, please be courteous. Cagoules may be compulsory. No whistle, no go.


Permitted throughout the area but under control and preferably on a lead.


Planner:            Colin Drury       (SYO)
Controller:        Clive Wilson     (SYO)
Organiser:        Lucy Wiegand   (SYO) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 07952 688968

Safety & risk

A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. If a competitor has a pre-existing medical condition that they think should be declared, please complete a medical form at enquiries. The sealed envelope will only be opened in an emergency.


SYO has an agreed policy on the taking of photographs at events, based on national guidance. This provides a sensible balance between the benefits and risks associated with the taking and use of images. If you are unsure about acceptable practice, please speak to the event organiser. Read our photography policy.


When entering our events your personal details (name, gender, age class & club) will appear in the results section of this website. Read our privacy policy to see how we look after your personal data.


Ecclesall Woods comprises over 100 hectares (300 acres) of mature deciduous woodland of variable runnability and is notable for a large number of thickets. The gently sloping land is divided by two roads and a network of bridleways, footpaths, streams and ditches. Some of the minor paths have become overgrown or are difficult to discern when covered by autumn leaves.

Read more: Ecclesall Woods