Results for Evening Event, Wentworth Castle, 08/09/2021

Yellow, Orange, Blue, Green
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Yellow (length 1.1km, 10 controls)

  1  Raff Scrimshaw     SYO M14   8:44 
  2  Louis Bryant       SYO M6    8:52 
  3  Lucy Walwyn        SYO W12  10:38 
  4= Emily Evans        SYO W12  10:41 
  4= Alice Sears        SYO W12  10:41 
  6  Walter Faulkner    SYO M14  11:34 
  7  Joe Thake          IND M14  11:45 
     -----Yellow standard------
  8  Freddie Holdsworth SYO M12  14:02 
  9  Milo Holdsworth    SYO M10  14:38 
 10  Jack Walwyn        SYO M6   16:17 
 11  Jago Reynolds      SYO M10  21:27 
 12  Lucy-Laura Miller  SYO W12  27:14 
mp   Wilson Faulkner    SYO M14   8:15 Missing no 10

Courses Yellow, Orange, Blue, Green
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Orange (length 1.6km, 15 controls)

  1  Maxwell Groom      SYO M12  18:03 
  2  Beth Sykes         SYO W12  19:16 
  3  Margaux Hodgson    SYO W14  19:21 
  4  Lawrence Hodgson   SYO M12  21:21 
  5  Alice Pieters      SYO W12  21:22 
  6  Hannah Chapman     SYO W10  21:57 
  7  Freddie Guy        SYO M12  22:15 
  8  Ellen Ash          SYO W12  22:51 
  9  Ben Tricklebank    SYO M12  23:13 
 10  Claire Morris      SYO W50  24:00 
 11  Jack Baxter        SYO M10  26:51 
 12  Nathan Peel        SYO M12  26:52 
     -----Orange standard------
 13  Pasco Reynolds     SYO M12  28:47 
 14  Penny Bell         SYO W12  29:18 
 15  Sophie Howsam      SYO W10  34:17 
 16  Lydia Miller       SYO W12  34:34 
 17  Judith Goodair    EPOC W80  50:52 
 18  Philip Thompson   EPOC M85  51:17 
 19  Guy Goodair       EPOC M85  53:14 
 20  Susan Brant       EPOC W75  57:57 

Courses Yellow, Orange, Blue, Green
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Blue (length 3.5km, 27 controls)

  1  Chris Williamson   SYO M21  38:07 
  2  Martin Ward        SYO M50  39:08 
  3  Ryan Elliot        SYO M21  41:06 
  4  Kim Baxter         SYO W45  42:25 
  5  Joe Taunton        SYO M21  42:43 
  6  Conrad Reuber      SYO M16  43:05 
  7  Mark Chapman       SYO M55  43:50 
  8  Paul Walwyn        IND M40  44:30 
  9  Markus Reuber      SYO M55  46:04 
 10  Alex Elliot        SYO W18  48:30 
 11  Kevin Randall      SYO M35  48:56 
 12  Paul ?                 M55  50:35 
 13  Paul Norman        SYO M55  50:41 
 14  Mike Pedley       EPOC M60  52:00 
 15  Sam Todd           SYO M16  55:54 
     ------Blue standard-------
 16  Piers Miller       SYO M45  58:04 
 17  Isabelle Hodgson   SYO W20  58:19 
 18  James Garnett      SYO M50  58:29 
 19  Louise Reynolds    SYO W45  60:13 
 20  Naomi Thornton     SYO W18  60:36 
 21  Colin Smith        SYO M55  61:07 
 22  Bill Hanley        SYO M65  62:48 
mp   Matthew Morris     SYO M18  39:15 Missing no 18
mp   Euan Tryner        SYO M18  41:52 Missing nos 7,9
mp   Richard Baxter     SYO M50  43:08 Missing no 21
mp   Charlie Adams      SYO M55  45:29 Missing no 9
mp   Dave Todd          SYO M55  53:47 Missing nos 19,26-27
mp   Eddie Speak       MDOC M65  79:25 Missing no 18
     Max Mobus          SYO M18  dns   

Courses Yellow, Orange, Blue, Green
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Green (length 2.1km, 21 controls)

  1  James Bryant       SYO M14  34:08 
  2  John Doyle         SYO M14  35:38 
  3  Charlotte Chapman  SYO W12  36:44 
  4  Emma Harrison     EPOC W45  37:00 
  5  Wilbert Hollinger  LVO M70  37:47 
  6  Chris Robinson     SYO M40  37:50 
  7  Ella Baxter        SYO W12  38:23 
  8  Oscar Peel         SYO M14  39:13 
  9  Anna Todd          SYO W14  39:28 
 10  Robyn Stanyon      SYO W55  41:13 
 11  Pauline Tryner     SYO W45  41:14 
 12  Megan Harrison    EPOC W21  41:25 
 13  Lotte Sykes        SYO W14  41:29 
 14  Alex Forrest       SYO M50  41:54 
 15  David Howsam       SYO M40  43:14 
 16  Caspar Reynolds    SYO M14  44:14 
 17  Lorraine Reuber    SYO W50  44:29 
 18  Judith Cudden      SYO W45  44:36 
 19  Millie Norman      SYO W16  44:46 
 20  Beverley Inkson    SYO W50  45:17 
 21  Clive Wilson       SYO M65  45:45 
 22  Olivia White       SYO W14  46:32 
 23  Bronwen Doyle      SYO W50  47:09 
 24  Colin Best         SYO M70  48:07 
     ------Green standard------
 25  Alfie Hall         SYO M18  51:17 
 26  Kath Speak        MDOC W60  54:11 
 27  Lesley Ward        SYO W50  55:44 
 28  Emily Pieters      SYO W45  56:32 
 29  Cinnamon Hodgson   SYO W50  56:54 
 30  Jacqueline Dakin   SYO W60  57:26 
 31  Vanessa Howsam     SYO W45  60:19 
 32  Richard Morris     SYO M55  61:46 
 33  Colin Drury        SYO M70  64:53 
 34  Abigail Howsam     SYO W12  66:26 
 35  Jackie Butcher     SYO W55  66:40 
 36  Henry Marston      SYO M75  67:33 
 37  Jo McKendrick      SYO W55  70:11 
 38  John Purkis        SYO M65  75:53 
 39  Pauline Wilson     SYO W65  89:20 
mp   Joseph Guy         SYO M14  52:00 Missing no 10
     Susan Guy          SYO W40  rtd   Missing nos 8-14,20-21
     Helen Pedley      EPOC W55  rtd   Missing nos 8-12,14; 1 out of order

Courses Yellow, Orange, Blue, Green
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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @