Results for Ecclesall Night, Ecclesall, 27/02/2019

Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue
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Yellow (length 1.7km, 8 controls)

  1  Ella Baxter          SYO W10  11:38 
  2  Oliver Beautyman  NETHER B5   11:50 
  3  Jake Ashpole         SYO M    11:53 
  4  Freddie Guy          SYO M10  13:21 
  5  Eva Cologne          SYO W8   13:22 
  6  Joseph Guy           SYO M12  13:27 
  7  Alexandra Garnett    SYO W12  14:09 
  8  Jack Baxter       HUNTER B3   14:55 
  9  Charlotte Sykes      SYO W12  14:56 
 10  Beth Sykes           SYO W10  14:58 
 11  Kai Harrison         SYO M10  15:53 
 12  Penelope Bell     NETHER G5   15:59 
 13  Freddie HoldsworthGREYST B5   16:01 
 14= Walter Faulkner   HUNTER B5   16:21 
 14= Wilson Faulkner   HUNTER B5   16:21 
 16  Nathan Peel          SYO M10  16:47 
     ------Yellow standard-------
 17  Felix Oliver         SYO M10  17:47 
 18  Sylvia Fagg          SYO W10  18:33 
 19  Isaac Oliver         SYO M12  18:41 
 20  Alex Cologne         SYO M5   18:49 
 21  Otis Scrimshaw         - B2   20:34 
 22  Willow Brown         IND W8   22:44 
     Eleanor Francis       GO W14  rtd   Missing nos 1,3-7; 1 out of order
     Pauline Tryner       SYO W45  rtd   Missing nos 1-2,4-8

Courses Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue
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Orange (length 2.2km, 11 controls)

  1  Charlotte Chapman    SYO W10  25:40 
  2  Kieran Smith       SHUOC M20  25:53 
  3  Anna Todd            SYO W12  27:24 
  4  Oscar Peel           SYO M10  27:30 
  5  Maia Howell          SYO W10  31:56 
  6  Claudine Hodgson     SYO W16  32:58 
  7  Margaux Hodgson      SYO W10  33:02 
  8  Alice Pieters        SYO W10  37:19 
  9  Susan Guy            SYO W40  38:14 
 10  John Doyle           SYO M12  39:26 
 11  Chris & Liz                   39:50 
     ------Orange standard-------
 12  Millie Norman        SYO W12  39:55 
 13  Benjamin Townsend    SYO M12  40:22 
 14  Ella, Lotte & Beth       SYO  41:24 
 15  Carys Phoenix        SYO W14  44:09 
 16  Sylvia Fagg          SYO W10  45:28 
 17  Rafferty Scrimshaw   SYO M10  45:48 
 18  Pasco Reynolds       SYO M10  46:11 
 19  Caspar Reynolds      SYO M10  46:23 
 20  Jago Reynolds     BAKEWE B3   46:49 
 21  Ben Tricklebank   NETHER B5   50:41 
     Sam Townsend         SYO M45  dnf   No finish time

Courses Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue
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Green (length 3.2km, 13 controls)

  1  Kim Baxter           SYO W40  37:28 
  2  Jamie Lightfoot      SYO M14  38:46 
  3  Lawrence Hodgson     SYO M10  53:46 
  4= Alexandra Crawshaw   SYO W14  55:33 
  4= William Garnett      SYO M14  55:33 
  6  Thomas Entwistle   SHUOC M21  55:46 
  7  Samuel Doyle         SYO M16  61:38 
  8  Ian Cooper           SYO M70  62:28 
  9  Bronwen Doyle        SYO W50  65:09 
 10  Marcia Bradbury      SYO W60  66:30 
 11  Robyn Stanyon        SYO W50  69:28 
 12  Robert Werner            M45  78:06 
 13  Martyn Werner            M45  80:06 
 14  Nicola Hart          DVO W55  80:37 
 15  Paul Norman          SYO M55  86:38 
     -------Green standard-------
mp   Euan Tryner          SYO M14  34:44 Missing no 9
mp   Max Mobus            SYO M14  45:41 Missing no 9
mp   Imogen Pieters       SYO W14  47:13 Missing no 9
mp   Simon Hodgson        SYO M40  53:50 Missing no 11
mp   Sam Todd             SYO M14  56:52 Missing no 9
mp   Matthew Morris       SYO M14  59:09 Missing nos 9-10
mp   Conrad Reuber        SYO M12  61:42 Missing nos 9-10
mp   Simon Brister        DVO M70  92:30 Missing no 10
     Julian Pieters       SYO M45  dnf   No finish time
     Pauline Tryner       SYO W45  dnf   No finish time
     Lesley Ward          SYO W45  dns   
     James Garnett        SYO M50  rtd   Missing nos 5-11
     Tomos King         SHUOC M20  rtd   Missing nos 1,4-13
     Jacky Dakin          SYO W55  rtd   Missing nos 6-13

Courses Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue
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Blue (length 4.8km, 19 controls)

  1  Richard Wren       WAROC M40  47:28 
  2  Joe Taunton          NOC M21  50:26 
  3  John Peatman         IND M21  54:49 
  4  Chloe Potter         BOK W20  58:37 
  5  Lova Chechik       SHUOC M21  58:58 
  6  Richard Baxter       SYO M50  60:17 
  7  Dominic Dakin        SYO M18  60:37 
  8  Ryan Elliot          SYO M18  61:49 
  9  Alex Elliot          SYO W16  66:06 
 10  Guillaume Courias  SHUOC M21  68:57 
 11  Chris Lambert        SYO M21  69:18 
 12  Tim Wiegand          SYO M50  71:19 
     -------Blue standard--------
 13  Colin Smith          SYO M50  74:59 
 14  Lucy Wiegand         SYO W50  76:45 
 15  Mary Fleming         SYO W21  82:42 
 16  Dave Todd            SYO M50 137:12 
mp   Harry Scott          LOC M18  57:48 Missing no 4
mp   Sebastian Mobus      SYO M18  59:35 Missing nos 4,14
mp   Gordon Hale          SYO M21  62:11 Missing nos 4,14-15
mp   Richard Hunt         BOF M45  67:20 Missing no 4
mp   Chris Williamson     SOC M21  72:36 Missing no 4
mp   Harry Holmes         SYO M21 106:10 Missing nos 17-19
     Paul Bradbury        SYO M60  dnf   No finish time
     Joe Thomas          MWOC M20  rtd   Missing nos 7-10

Courses Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue
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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @