Results for Afternoon Event 2, Milhhouses Park, 06/10/2012

White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Map Memory, Score
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White (length 0.9km, 10 controls)

  1  Jamie Lightfoot                  6:03 
  2  Elliot Charlie                   6:40 
  3  Alex Elliot                      6:42 
  4  Greg Naylor                      6:50 
  5  Emil Howell                      6:58 
  6  Emill Howell                     7:07 
  7  Hannah Smallwood & Lucy Giles    7:24 
  8  Harriet Allenby-Hodgetts         8:15 
  9  Mia Fiztpatrick                  8:49 
 10  Katie Blain                      9:20 
 11= Euan Tryner                     10:10 
 11= Eddie Fitzpatrick               10:10 
 13  Eddie Hall                      10:13 
 14  Celia Naylor                    10:22 
 15  Paul & William Griffins         10:30 
 16  Marcus Cunnington               10:33 
 17  Grace Jacobs                    10:40 
 18  Lucy Gray                       10:41 
 19  Maia Howell                     10:50 
 20  Sam Smallwood                   11:24 
 21  Robbie Lightfoot                11:25 
 22  Emily Woods                     12:04 
 23  Lauren Coupe            217897  12:25 
 24  Alicia Owen                     12:26 
 25  Oliva Coupe                     12:27 
 26  Solomon Maragh                  13:35 
 27  Katie Cunnington                14:19 
 28  Joseph & Oliver Elliot          14:48 
 29  Emily Evens                     16:34 
 30  Daisy Peacock                   16:37 
 31  Jago Wheeler                    17:12 
 32  Jed Darley                      17:22 
 33  Martha Darley                   17:29 
 34  Oscar Peel                      19:27 
 35  Woody Trudgill                  19:34 
 36  Maisie Heckie                   20:11 
 37  Sam Buckley                     20:12 
 38  Betty Dodsworth                 20:45 
 39  William Dodsworth               20:54 
 40  Molly Dodsworth                 21:09 
 41  Will Preston                    23:39 
     --------White standard--------

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Map Memory, Score
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Yellow (length 1.7km, 10 controls)

  1  Ged Morris                      10:36 
  2  Zak Lomas & Jamie Compton       13:21 
  3  Mia Fitzpatrick                 13:55 
  4  Ryan Elliot                     14:50 
  5  Charlie Elliot                  14:52 
  6  Eddie Hall                      15:09 
  7  Euan Tryner                     15:10 
  8  Megan Evans & Bella Smith       15:40 
  9  Daniel Ledger                   15:47 
 10  Lucy Olives                     15:59 
 11  Katie Hughes                    16:35 
 12  Hannah Smallwood                18:56 
 13  Yellow Hammers                  20:15 
 14  Lucy Gray                       21:39 
     -------Yellow standard--------
 15  Harriet Allenby-Hodgetts        21:52 
 16  Grace                           21:57 
 17  Rebbeca Woods                   22:30 
 18  David Carroll                   22:39 
 19  Solomon Maragh                  23:10 
 20  Daisy Peacock                   23:21 
 21  Sam Smallwood                   24:11 
 22  Max Mobus                       24:58 
 23  Ben Hughes                      29:58 
 24  Joseph & Oliver Elliot          30:27 
 25  Megan Hughes                    33:20 
 26  Jago Wheeler & June Knowles     40:12 
 27  Evie Grainger & Millie Ambler   49:01 
 28  Clio Jameson                    59:38 

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Map Memory, Score
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Orange (length 2.6km, 14 controls)

  1  Charlie Elliot                  16:27 
  2  Ged Morris                      19:33 
  3  Sebastian Mobus                 20:01 
  4  Tim Lennox                      22:13 
  5  Beverley Inkson                 23:45 
  6  Alex Murray                     25:27 
  7  William & Tori Gray             25:52 
  8  Ronan Sahni                     27:15 
  9  Emil Howell                     28:46 
     -------Orange standard--------
 10  Nhean Wheeler & Kate Parr       34:25 
 11  Maggie Naylor                   35:10 
 12  Annie Nanion                    35:18 
 13  Zoe & Peter                     36:50 
 14  Ian & Thomas Hope               41:15 
 15  Maggie & Henry                  42:28 
 16  Danielle Marriott               62:37 
mp   Mark McClean                    31:45 Missing nos 1,5-6

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Map Memory, Score
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Light Green (length 3.1km, 16 controls)

  1  Colin Smith                     21:25 
  2  Tim Wiegand                     27:49 
  3  Sebastian Mobus                 35:10 
  4  Ged Morris                      36:27 
  5  Arun Sahni                      40:05 
  6  David Murray                    41:47 
  7  Tim Lennox                      46:45 
     -----Light Green standard-----
  8  Jen Donnelly                    46:53 
  9  Richard Knowles & Amaliya Parr  50:39 
 10  Alex Murray                     52:16 
 11  Riley, Todd, Woodhouse          52:36 
 12  Rebecca Collings                78:51 
mp   E-card 1328971                  31:27 Missing nos 3,13-14
     Willieam & Tori Gray            rtd   Missing nos 10-16

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Map Memory, Score
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Map Memory (length 3.0km, 11 controls)

  1  Joe Taunton                     23:42 
  2  Kevin Randall                   36:25 
  3  Lucy Wiegand                    43:39 
     Chas Hird                       rtd   Missing nos 1,7-11

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Map Memory, Score
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Score (24 controls, all controls in any order and no time limit)

  1  Kevin Randall                      21  34:25      21            34, 31, 220, 219, 218, 215, 216, 214, 213, 212, 211, 208, 209, 207, 204, 229, 226, 227, 33, 228, 225
  2  Julian Hird                        17  38:50      17            219, 218, 216, 214, 213, 212, 211, 209, 208, 207, 204, 202, 229, 226, 227, 228, 225

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Map Memory, Score
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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @