SYO Colour Coded Event - Wombwell Woods
13 January 2002
Wombwell provides a challenge for the planner especially for the longer technical courses as the SE section of woodland across the road has very few features. Originally I planned a blue course that had a long first leg followed by a short second leg but following sound advise from Brian ended up with the second master map at the far end of the wood. This end is not without its problems and to lose one control to vandalism is about par for the course. Fortunately we were able to rectify it for the later starters and I hope it did not spoil it too much for those who found the control missing.
Comments on the woodland were favorable especially from those of you who had not been to Wombwell before. I should thank particularly Jenni Fiander for helping to gather in controls almost immediately after she had finished her course.
My first venture into organising was certainly helped tremendously by Phil Haywood and the SYO members that helped out on the day. Big thanks to all, especially those that gave up their runs. We had 160 finishers, decent weather and positive comments, all contributing to make it an enjoyable day.
String course
1= Jenny Smythe 3-50
1= Sarah Tingle 3-50
3 Charlotte Ward 4-15
4 Aidan Smith 4-35
5 Michael Adams 5-11
6 Joanna Smith 9-00
7 Laura Smythe 9-20
8 J&R Appleton 11-55
9 Louise Adams 13-05
10 Adam Johnson 17-35
White course 1.1km 15m
1 Charlotte Ward W10 HALO 11-06
2 Siarlot Lloyd W8 EPOC 11-35
3 Rebecca Ellis AGOC 16-20
4 Sally Crowle W10 AGOC 17-09
5 Jessica Appleton W7 Claro 17-28
6 Aidan Smith M6 SYO 19-37
7 Laura Smythe W10 22-12
8 J Smith & J Butcher W3 SYO 25-59
9 Phillip Wiegand M4 SYO 40-49
10 Adam Johnson 17-35
Yellow course 2.0km 45m
1 Robin Tett M10 SYO 15-57
2 Seb & Callum 30-20
3 Christine Williams W45 SYO 36-16
4 Helen Wood 45-30
5 Alex & Kate Murray M5 SYO 46-39
6 Rebecca Ellis W10 AGOC 48-46
7 Sally Crowle W10 AGOC 50-30
8 S Tingle & J Smythe W10 51-36
9 Joshua Oades M6 HALO 53-14
Orange course 2.5km 50m
1 Andrew Manning M14 WHS 29-31
2 Liam Nicholson M13 SYO 30-29
3 Sam Keen M14 SYO 31-59
4 John Berry M14 35-22
5 Laura & Leslie W14 SYO 37-33
6 Victoria Myers W12 EBOR 36-56
7 Charlotte&Jan Myers W10 EBOR 38-15
8 Alan Saul 40-20
9 Carmen Elphick Ind 40-54
10 Luke Smythe M13 SYO 42-04
11 Steve Beresford M50 MDOC 42-05
12 M Bainbridge M13 DVO 42-11
13 Catherine Beresford W12 MDOC 42-25
14 Simon Clark 43-20
15 Laura Merrills W14 SYO 43-29
16 Emily Andrews W14 EBOR 44-04
17 Andrew Taylor M12 SYO 46-50
18 Harriet Andrews W12 EBOR 49-52
19 Seb & Callum SYO 52-17
20 Simon Rioer SYO 53-37
21 Barbara Clark & 1 W60 Ind 58-49
22 James & Chris M12 WHS 65-39
23 James & Greg M13 WHS 70-37
24 Jake Hamer M10 AGOC 103-37
Light Green course 3.9km 90m
1 Victoria Stevens W14 AIRE 39-27
2 Dennis Hooton M40 EBOR 41-38
3 Jack Wood M14 AIRE 43-21
4 Celia Wells W65 EBOR 45-37
5 Dave Ackroyd M55 SYO 46-10
6 Sue Stevens W45 AIRE 46-27
7 Kate Degnan W21 EPOC 47-14
8 Stuart Hooton M14 EBOR 51-13
9 Margaret Shaw W50 EPOC 52-33
10 Jim Mitchell M60 PFO 56-16
11 Anne Cuckson SYO 56-30
12 Anne Johnson EPOC 57-47
13 Gill Milner W65 SYO 58-49
14 Amanda Ward W35 HALO 58-53
15 A Newham & P Judson Ind 61-07
16 Dominic Barron M21 HUOC 63-02
17 S Bryant W55 EPOC 64-19
18 Rebecca Bowens W21 AIRE 64-30
19 Maggie Archer W55 EBOR 64-41
20 Margaret Wainwright W60 SYO 69-03
21 Nick + Sue Bagnall SYO 78-46
22 Adam Crowle 96-53
23 David Crowle M40 103-33
24 Helen Baker 140-18
25 Susan Cutts W50 147-19
- Liz Smith W55 MDOC missing 6-8
Green course 5.4km 110m
1 B Carlyle W20 AIRE 45-42
2 J Hutchinson M21 EBOR 51-29
3 B Hanley M45 SYO 52-48
4 N Myers M45 EBOR 54-08
5 T Carlyle M50 AIRE 56-04
6 S Willis M50 EBOR 56-46
7 T Smith M60 MDOC 56-59
8 Janet Adams W35 SYO 57-45
9 S Caldwell M35 58-10
10 J Archer M55 EBOR 58-49
11 Ian Wainwright M60 SYO 59-13
12 C Dicken M45 Claro 59-28
13 M Ridealgh M50 EBOR 59-38
14 L Hensman W50 Claro 61-03
15 R Shaw M60 EPOC 62-16
16 S Adams W45 EBOR 63-27
17 Natashia Davison W21 AIRE 63-37
18 B Stevens M16 AIRE 66-02
19 C Kirkham M55 MDOC 66-49
20 E Prendergast M50 EBOR 68-02
21 Beryl Seaman SYO 68-11
22 E Drew W50 MDOC 68-45
23 E Geaton M55 EPOC 68-49
24 P Wells M65 EBOR 69-51
25 B Drew W16 70-21
26 P O'Grady M65 SYO 71-03
27 F Prendergast W50 EBOR 71-37
28 R Pathen M55 SYO 71-41
29 G Ross W50 AIRE 71-56
30 J Barnes W55 Claro 73-48
31 S White M45 SYO 73-57
32 Peter O'Connell M45 EBOR 75-17
33 Jenny Fiander W45 SYO 75-34
34 Sue Birkinshaw W65 MDOC 75-48
35 F Appleton M55 Claro 75-55
36 J Soper M65 SYO 76-57
37 J Goodair W60 EPOC 80-26
38 B Willis EBOR 81-34
39 G Goodair M65 EPOC 82-18
40 J Harrison M50 EBOR 82-26
41 A Wainwright M35 115-30
42 A Redfern Ind 120-54
43 S Beech W40 AIRE 121-45
44 J Bouttell M50 SYO 126-49
- A Carroll M21 ShUOC missing 9-13
- Kevin Walters M21 SYO missing 9-13
(Through the incompetence of the organiser!)
Blue course 6.7km 150m
1 Mike Sprot M21 SYO 45-46
2 Neil Conway M21 AIRE 46-59
3 Mike Wainwright M21 Ind 50-31
4 Roger Lewis M21 ShOUC 51-29
5 H Potter M35 EPOC 51-37
6 Matt Palmer M21 ShUOC 52-22
7 C Mitchell M16 PFO 54-25
8 A Barnes M60 Claro 55-30
9 L Biddell M21 HUOC 56-17
10 Rob Last M40 SYO 56-49
11 C Smith SYO 58-14
12 Guy Seaman M50 SYO 57-21
13 S Adams M16 EBOR 57-56
14 T Oates M35 HALO 59-41
15 B Ward HALO 60-05
16 C Pearson SYO 60-19
17 N Jones M45 PFO 61-14
18 I Birkinshaw M65 MDOC 61-19
19 Dan Tett M16 SYO 61-40
20 Tim Weigand M35 SYO 63-06
21 M Graham M21 63-19
22 M Guscott M21 HUOC 63-42
23 J Ready M21 HUOC 64-46
24 C Drew M35 MDOC 65-08
25 L Scott M35 SYO 65-46
26 M Andrews M45 EBOR 65-54
27 R Ryall M60 EPOC 66-51
28 Liam Bates M21 DOK 69-12
29 J Gomesall M50 MDOC 68-17
30 K Roberts M40 NOC 69-13
31 N Taylor SYO 69-38
32 R Staincliffe M21 ShUOC 71-14
33 D Binks M50 EBOR 73-33
34 I Watson M55 MDOC 74-03
35 S Lyne W21 HUOC 77-16
36 J Illingworth M55 EBOR 78-47
37 C Andrews W45 EBOR 78-50
38 M Saul M45 EPOC 83-39
39 R Small SYO 86-59
40 K Fidler 87-52
41 G Hensman M50 Claro 88-42
42 F Ross M55 AIRE 90-48
43 S Bowers M35 AIRE 100-34
44 M Beech M45 AIRE 105-31
- G Lloyd EPOC wrong no1 58-25
- P Martin M35 EPOC retired