SYO Club Champs
8 December 2001, Burbage North
On an extremely pleasant December day Rob McPherson produced a run that clearly demonstrated my complete incompetence as a handicapper, winning by nearly two minutes from Clive Wilson and beating his handicap by nearly nine minutes. Mark Sutherland was a further two minutes back in third place as he led home a pack of juniors.
Rob seemed surprisingly sanguine about the implications of his victory (i.e. he has to plan next year's event) and by the time he left the pub planning already seemed to be in an advanced state. It looks like 2002 will be the year that the SYO Club Champs go electronic.
Most of those on the longest course option (both loops) suffered from an over optimistic view of their abilities (Or maybe I forgot to factor in Friday night!) but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and despite my worst fears all the juniors seemed to cope extremely well with their courses (being totally unfamiliar with this level of course I was more than a little worried about being the cause of a further down turn in junior participation).
Apologies to Rob Last who suffered from a map mix-up that caused him some confusion and a significant amount of lost time.
Thank-you to Hilary Bloor for her assistance, particularly with the organization of the meal and the quiz, without her help the event would not have happened. Also thanks to Ruth, Martin, Mike, Andy and Charlie who helped out on the day.
Dave Harrison
Handicap Order (Times after 10.30)
Rob McPherson M40 51.02
Clive Wilson M45 52.58
Mark Sutherland M12 54.56
David Hakes M14 55.00
Clare Sutherland W14 55.01
John Dyson M60 55.58
Beryl Seaman W50 56.15
Mark Wilson - 56.20
Rob Bocking M35 56.29
Andrew Sutherland M10 56.30
Ryan Wilson M9 57.02
Kevin Walters M21 57.08
Phil Jones M50 58.10
Jim Sutherland M40 58.39
Phil Haywood M55 58.49
Aidan Smith M6 60.01
Fiona Sutherland W6 60.13
Melinda/Peter Riley M10 60.37
Janet Adams W35 60.52
Colin Smith M35 62.32
Dan Tett M14 62.32
Colin Best M50 62.49
Alan Goddard M55 63.38
Guy Seaman M50 63.40
Ian Riley M14 65.44
Robin Tett M9 66.00
Martin Ward M21 67.28
Michael Sprot M21 67.49
Jenny James W21 68.06
Helen Hargreaves W21 68.10
Ruth Sutherland W40 69.19
Jo McPherson W40 69.29
Andy Middleditch (nc) M21 70.50
Dave Charles M40 70.52
Jackie/Joanna Smith - 71.28
John Bouttell - 72.37
Phil Winskill M21 73.09
Lesley Ward W21 73.09
Janet Haywood W55 75.30
Pauline Wilson W45 82.33
Rob Last M35 97.29
Tim Tett M40 Rtd
White Course Times (2.2K)
Andrew Sutherland M10 14.30
Ryan Wilson M9 17.02
Aidan Smith M6 22.01
Melinda/Peter Riley M10 30.37
Fiona Sutherland W6 32.13
Jackie/Joanna Smith - 44.28
Orange Course Times (3K)
Clare Sutherland W14 22.01
David Hakes M14 27.00
Mark Sutherland M12 29.56
Ian Riley M14 30.44
Robin Tett M9 36.00
Short Course Times (3K)
Martin Ward M21 23.03
Andy Middleditch (nc) M21 23.35
Dave Charles M40 23.36
Jenny James W21 24.26
Michael Sprot M21 24.52
Phil Winskill M21 25.47
Helen Hargreaves W21 26.35
Colin Smith M35 27.01
Rob Last M35 29.13
Rob Bocking M35 40.29
Beryl Seaman W50 43.15
Mark Wilson - 44.20
John Dyson M60 45.58
Lesley Ward W21 49.09
Jo McPherson W40 49.29
Ruth Sutherland W40 54.19
John Bouttell - 58.37
Janet Haywood W55 67.30
Pauline Wilson W45 82.33
Long Course Times (4.5K)
Martin Ward M21 30.25
Tim Tett M40 30.48
Michael Sprot M21 30.57
Andy Middleditch (nc) M21 31.23
Helen Hargreaves W21 33.35
Dave Charles M40 34.16
Jenny James W21 34.40
Colin Smith M35 35.31
Phil Winskill M21 36.22
Rob McPherson M40 38.02
Clive Wilson M45 38.58
Phil Jones M50 40.10
Phil Haywood M55 41.49
Dan Tett M14 42.32
Guy Seaman M50 42.40
Jim Sutherland M40 43.39
Colin Best M50 43.49
Kevin Walters M21 45.08
Alan Goddard M55 47.38
Janet Adams W35 50.52
Rob Last M35 60.16
Both Loops Combined Times (7.5K)
Martin Ward M21 53.28
Andy Middleditch (nc) M21 54.58
Michael Sprot M21 55.49
Dave Charles M40 57.52
Jenny James W21 59.06
Helen Hargreaves W21 60.10
Phil Winskill M21 62.09
Colin Smith M35 62.32
Rob Last M35 89.29