SYO Colour Coded Event - Rivelin
16 January 2000
Controller's Comments
Congratulations to Carl who got the junior courses just about right. It was a shame that someone made a point of removing controls on more than one occasion. We hope it did not spoil your day too much. Rivelin is a difficult area on which to plan longer courses because of access restrictions and the consequent narrowness of the area. John made the best of the terrain and set some very physical and challenging courses but despite our initial fears there were more finishers than retirals! However, the longer courses were rather more of a challenge than some of you may have bargained for. I must take the blame for this as the Controller but I warned as many of you as I could that the courses were all a grade ( some may say several grades ) higher than declared at Registration. It had been my intention that an explanation be displayed at Registration but this was missed in the rush. Despite the physical nature of the terrain, Charlie Adams proved that living next to an area can produce a pretty phenomenal time. Do you young elites believe it? The feedback from the more polite of you who finished was that you enjoyed the challenge. Only one complaint - from someone who helped but did not run!
All in all a successful event.
Guy Seaman
Planners' Comments
Brown, Blue and Green courses.
Oops, sorry - the blue and brown courses were too long. Karl and I stepped in at the eleventh hour because the event didn't have a planner, which meant planning the courses over the Christmas / New Year period, tagging control sites the following weekend and then the event itself was the weekend after that. So there was little chance to check the going on the ground, which was a lot tougher than I had recalled it being. The undergrowth is getting horrendously bad in areas like Rivelin and Ecclesall Woods with these warm winters. Planning at Rivelin was unnecessarily nightmarish because of the crippling restrictions; we can't use any of the open moor, or any of the woodland between the bottom road and the reservoirs. This meant having to take the longer courses both ways along a corridor of woodland 1km long by circa 100m wide. The residential property that cuts off the eastern section of the area from the Wyming Brook valley meant bringing the longer courses on the return leg back up over the top of the edge, meaning a big climb at the end for those runners. In view of the extra climb and the fierce undergrowth, there should have been fewer kms on the long courses. Sorry. Look on the bright side though - you will all be fitter for the experience!!
John Soady
White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green Courses
At first glance of the map, Rivelin looks like a Planner's dream - there's a nice combination of open moor, forest and intricate contours, with a half-decent path network for the junior courses. On closer inspection however, Rivelin is far from idyllic and the planning experience for both John and I was eventful to say the least. The problems of land access and underfoot conditions affected the routing of the junior courses also, so apologies to anyone who found the Orange and Light Green courses slightly more difficult than normal. Apologies too for the mindless vandals who tried to disrupt the event by removing a couple of kites and punches during the morning. Next time they'll be the ones who end up in the river! Having said all of that, it was a beautiful day for orienteering and the turnout was excellent - I hope everyone got their money's worth!
Karl Marshall
Organiser's Comments
I have nothing further to add to the comments already made, except to thank everyone who helped the with the event.
Natasha Davison
White course - 1.1km - 25m
Evans/Bloxham W9/11 SYO 16.35
J L Addison M5/W7 DVO 17.01
B Birkinshaw + 1 W12 O/B SCH 20.09
M J Oades W21/M10 HALO 21.42
J A Smith W2/M5 SYO 21.54
A Barrow O/B SCH 25.28
James M10 O/B SCH 26.28
E Davies SYO 26.34
D Evans M7 SYO 33.41
Yellow course - 1.5km - 55m
D Lamb/A Bird SCOUTS 21.17
S Thomson M8 FVO 23.55
R Tett M8 SYO 33.37
K Elliott/
R Winterbourne W12 EPOC 33.40
A Gannt M12 SYO 35.23
C Thomson M5 FVO 35.39
K Sheehan M? SYO 36.01
C Douglas W12 SYO 36.28
H Gunnee W12 SYO 37.52
M & L Cookson SCOUTS 38.15
K Vak/D Eades SCOUTS 43.19
E Rushforth W5 SYO 45.20
M Rushforth W? SYO 46.04
R Wilson M7 SYO 47.14
J Glack + 2 SCOUTS 47.18
M Portalurei SCOUTS 48.53
B & A Kirk SCOUTS 50.27
A Elliott O/B SCH 52.41
J Boothman M14 AIRE 56.29
S Barratt IND 59.45
E Holmes SYO 62.37
L Holmes SYO 63.33
Orange course - 2.4km - 80m
R Kirk M15 SYO 39.51
N Scott 40.41
C Chew/T Dunbar M12 AIRE 49.27
J Lewis W21 IND 56.45
D Hakes M13 SYO 57.18
C Booth W14 SYO 59.00
Stephanie 62.55
M & R Barker IND 64.24
J Arundale/D Lowry IND 64.52
M Nicholson M12 AIRE 65.57
C Williams W45 SYO 66.04
A & V Woods W21 IND 66.42
Y Sahni SYO 68.58
R Shackleton M12 AIRE 69.57
C Cope W50 HALO 71.25
M Reynolds M14 IND 72.41
A Taylor M10 SCOUTS 98.02
Kayleigh & Joel IND 125.06
Light Green course - 3km - 80m
T Morton M60 SYO 48.28
M Picker M21 IND 49.25
M Kirk M40 SYO 51.23
S Basire W21 SYO 51.33
S Barnett M21 IND 64.48
J Hurl IND 65.46
J Gaunt M40 SYO 68.52
E Wells IND 73.34
D Robinson IND 75.51
Tett/Riley M14 SYO 76.03
P Reynolds M50 SYO 82.24
K Williams W45 DVO 84.25
D Jones W20 DVO 87.29
P Hutchins M14 SYO 92.55
J Holmes M50 EPOC 116.30
S Brookman W40 PPOC 116.51
L Whitehead W45 EBOR 117.37
M Geogia W21 IND RET
W Robson IND RET
T Holmes M12 SYO RET
J Faraday M21 IND RET
W Kerry M65 DVO RET
Green course - 4.6km - 200m
A Sykes M35 NOC 52.33
D Charles W21 CLARO 56.21
J Doe M40 SYO 55.30
R Davison M21 SYO 58.59
D Dudley M35 DVO 60.32
H Bloor W45 SYO 62.36
P Haywood M50 SYO 63.16
R McPherson M35 SYO 63.40
J Padget W21 SYO 66.10
J Padget M55 DEE 70.35
N Peters M40 DEE 72.20
N Davison W21 SYO 72.34
A Say M45 IND 73.00
A Sahni M45 SYO 73.50
J Adams W35 SYO 74.25
K Hodgson M21 SHUOC 74.45
M Rose M55 AIRE 75.01
A Crank W21 SYO 76.40
K Strebb M45 NOC 77.08
J Butler M55 HALO 77.15
C Douglas W21 LUOC 77.23
P Wells M60 EBOR 78.30
N Taylor M40 SYO 78.49
D Heath M40 SYO 79.51
C Hillam M50 AIRE 80.00
R Kendall W21 EBOR 80.25
J Malley W40 DVO 83.20
R Jones M35 DVO 83.30
J Soper M65 SYO 83.30
A Crawshaw W21 EPOC 84.12
M Lord M35 NOC 84.26
R Malley M20 NN 84.49
L Ward W21 SYO 85.54
B Seaman W50 SYO 86.28
L Watson W21 AIRE 87.59
T Haughey M16 PPOC 88.02
P Carter M40 NOC 89.50
J Croskell W45 SYO 89.54
J Smith M50 HALO 91.24
D Walker M35 BAOC 92.03
M Eccles M60 PFO 92.28
J Fiander W45 SYO 92.52
K Grayson IND 92.56
S Smith M16 HALO 95.10
S Willis M45 EBOR 95.49
E Drew W50 MDOC 95.51
D Mack M45 MDOC 97.15
G Meeson BAOC 97.36
E Dent W21 IND 101.48
P Jones W40 NOC 101.54
G Mellor MDOC 102.24
P O'Grady M65 SYO 103.36
J Coates W45 AIRE 103.48
D Needham M40 DVO 103.58
J Barnes W50 CLARO 104.36
S Bones M20 LOG 107.08
A Morgan M45 PPOC 107.56
K Pickworth M14 LOG 108.08
G Ross W50 AIRE 112.10
M Padget W55 DEE 112.44
B Evans M40 SYO 115.30
H Whittaker IND 121.50
G Boxall SYO 128.51
D Smith W50 HALO 130.48
Z Fiander W16 SYO RET
C March M60 AIRE RET
P Winterbourne M35 IND RET
M Archer W50 EBOR RET
D Ellison M65 AIRE RET
Blue course - 6.1km - 365m
M Smith M21 HALO 79.24
C Best M50 SYO 82.34
T Patterson M20 AIRE 88.47
M Broadest M21 AIRE 95.04
C Smith M35 SYO 95.14
M Gill M45 AIRE 95.36
K Patterson M50 AIRE 98.12
K Walters M21 SYO 98.32
M Hampton M50 OD 99.01
M Saul M40 EPOC 100.09
B Hanley M45 SYO 100.16
H Van-Rossum M? AIRE 100.21
P Mackey M40 SYO 101.21
P Wheaty M45 AIRE 101.23
A Barnes M55 CLARO 102.28
J Stropp W20 EBOR 103.00
J Lodge M35 IND 104.20
N Jones M18 AIRE 105.03
S McManus M35 MDOC 105.04
T Oades M35 HALO 105.55
J Elliott M35 EPOC 108.05
D Pelly W40 SYO 108.46
R Page M50 EPOC 110.54
C Burley M60 EPOC 116.10
J Archer M50 EBOR 118.04
G Slater M21 LUOC 120.19
J Burntsson W? DKLOFTAN 122.51
D McGaiviern M60 DVO 122.59
D Owen M60 EPOC 123.44
G Drew M50 MDOC 124.59
M Wilson M40 SYO 128.10
E Ross M55 AIRE 137.41
H O'Neil W45 NOC 138.15
D Edward M21 LUOC M12
J Lodge M35 EPOC M19
M Cope M50 HALO M13&14
C Hall M? RET
R Freeman RET
B Hyslop M55 EBOR RET
G Fiander M45 SYO RET
R Charles W40 SYO RET
I Hodgson M21 DVO RET
M Smith M55 HALO RET
M Cooper M16 EPOC RET
Brown course - 7.6km 490m
C Adams M35 SYO 72.44
B Edwards M21 SYO 80.10
S Gould M21 CLARO 80.21
A Buckley M21 DVO 81.17
M Chapman M21 SYO 85.08
M Ward M21 SYO 88.34
P Addison M40 DVO 96.59
S Whitehead M45 EBOR 99.26
D Chapman M45 AIRE 106.56
R Lewis M21 SHUOC 106.57
M O'Neil M40 NOC 112.47
J Smith W21 SHUOC 116.13
D Holmes M40 SYO 116.31
S Wood M45 EPOC 122.26
C Wilson M45 SYO 122.54
C Barber M45 SYO 124.24
D Bennett M21 DVO 125.01
C Pearson M? SYO 129.59
J Ward M55 OD 132.50
N Harvatt M40 HALO 137.19
S Wood M45 EBOR M25
G Williams M35 DPFR Blue Part 2
B Denness M45 DVO RET
M Smith M40 SYO RET
K Dalton W21 SYO RET
J Stevenson W21 SYO RET
I French M40 SYO RET