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Saturday Series 5 - Norfolk Park 1st Feb

Saturday Series 5 - Norfolk Park 1st Feb

Our 5th Saturday Series event is at Norfolk Park on 1st Feb.

We will be based in the Centre in the Park. Full details are on the website here. There is no need to pre-register - just turn up on the day between 12.30 and 3pm (2.30pm for longer courses). There are courses suitable for all and parents / carers are welcome to accompany children round the course. The adult courses visit the intricate urban areas surrounding the park.

There is a fabulous cafe and we will be having one of our popular 2nd hand kit sales. Donations of orienteering kit wil be gratefully received. Offers of help are also extremely welcome. Please email Pauline

The overall results for the schools' league after 4 events can be found here, while the adults' league results can be seen here.


Many thanks

Pete & Pauline Tryner
South Yorkshire Orienteers


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