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2023 & 24 Saturday Series prize-giving & event

2023 & 24 Saturday Series prize-giving & event

The prize-giving for 2023/24 Saturday Series will be at Forge Dam on 29th June at 3pm.

Prizes are awarded to those who have attended all 9 events. There are also prizes for the first 3 in each class, the first year group team and the first 3 primary and secondary schools. We also present certificates to everyone who has completed 5 or more events and certificates to the 2nd & 3rd placed year group teams. The results can be seen here.

The prize-giving will be preceeded by a score orienteering event. In a score event the object is to find as many contols as possible within the given time limit. Each control is worth 10 points. You lose 5 points for each minute you are late back beyond the time limit.

Short Score - Time limit 30 minutes. Forge Dam and Porter Valley bottom. This has some very easy controls and some slightly harder controls and is suitable for younger juniors and newcomers.

Long Score - Time limit 50 minutes. Forge Dam, Porter Valley bottom and Porter Valley Woodlands. Compulsory road crossing. No unaccompanied primary age children. 

Odds and Evens Score - Time limit 50 minutes. Forge Dam, Porter Valley bottom and Porter Valley Woodlands. Compulsory road crossing. No unaccompanied primary age children. Collect all the odd numbered controls before switching to the even ones.

Start times are 12.30-2pm. More information can be found on the website here

Pete & Pauline Tryner
South Yorkshire Orienteers


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