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Saturday Series 8 Graves Park

Saturday Series 8 Graves Park

Graves Park - Saturday Series 8 - 18th May

The 8th event in the 2023/24 Saturday series is at Graves Park on 18th May. The SFSS schools' league runs alongside the public event. 

Full details are on the website here. There is no need to pre-register - just turn up on the day between 12.30 and 3pm (2.30pm for longer courses). There are courses suitable for all and parents / carers are welcome to accompany children round the course. Graves Park is lovely - we really hope to see you there.

Prize-giving event - Saturday 29th June - notice of change of date

We have had to change the date of the Saturday Series annual prize-giving event. It will now be on 29th June rather than 6th July. The event will still be at Forge Dam on Saturday afternoon with the prize-giving at 3pm. Apologies for the change.

World Orienteering Week - Rother Valley event

To celebrate World Orienteering Week, we are holding a special event at Rother Valley County Park on Wednesday 22nd May. Starts will be between 5.30pm and 6.45pm. Hopefully it will be a lovely evening of orienteering. If you would like to go round in a group or pair, just pay for one entry. More information is available here.


Many thanks

Pete & Pauline Tryner
South Yorkshire Orienteers


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