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April Events

April Events

Over the Easter holidays we have 2 free orienteering activities in Rotherham, particularly suited to younger juniors and those that are fairly new to orienteering.

Thursday 4th April - Rosehill Victoria Park

There's a choice of 3 courses - you can do all 3 if you like. Turn up anytime between 11am & 2pm.  More info here.

Tuesday 9th April - Clifton Park

3 different courses to have a go at, this time in Clifton Park. Starts 11am-2pm. There's also a museum and great adventure playground in the park. More info here.


Later on in April we have a great weekend of events scheduled...

Saturday Series 7 - Parkwood Springs - 20th April

This is event 7 in our very popular Saturday Series of events, which include the Sheffield schools' league. There's the normal choice of courses from white to blue. Green and blue are for over 16s only and extend to the intricate Fir Hill housing estate. No need to register in advance - just turn up on the day between 12.30pm and 2.30pm. More info here.

Yorkshire Schools Champs & Regional Event - Sandall Beat - 21st April

We are delighted to be hosting the Yorkshire & Humberside Schools Champs and our next regional event in the lovely runnable woodland of Sandall Beat in Doncaster. There's a choice of 9 different courses from white to brown - there's even a red course aimed at runners. Longer courses extend to the newly mapped area of Armthorpe Park. More info here.

There's a prize-giving for the first 3 in each age class in the Yorkshire Champs competition, plus prizes for whole school and year group teams. 

This event should be entered in advance by Sunday 14th April on Fabian4.

We need volunteers to enable this event to go ahead. Helpers receive a 50% discount. Please enter using code SYOHELPER on Fabian by 14th April. Alongside the normal volunteering roles, we also need someone to help hang controls. Please email Paul Bradbury if you can help with this event.

British Middles & Northern Champs

At the end of April are the British Middle Champs and Northern Champs. The British Middles are in Otley on Saturday 27th April, while the Northern Champs are on Sunday 28th April at Kilnsey. More info can be found here.. There are 107 SYO members already entered. Entries close on 14th April.

Further Ahead 

Finally, our next Wednesday Evening Event is on 1st May at Hesley Scout Camp; while the Yvette Baker Heat is on Sunday 19th May at Hardwick Hall. More details on these to follow.....



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