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Reminder to enter the 2023 Club Champs, AGM, Social & Awards

Reminder to enter the 2023 Club Champs, AGM, Social & Awards

Dear Members and their friends and family,

Just a quick reminder to enter the annual SYO fun orienteering event, club champs and lunch by Saturday 9th December.  The orienteering will be held on Saturday 16th December at Ecclesall Woods followed by lunch, AGM and awards at Lees Hall Golf Club. It is all very informal and a great opportunity to socialise and recognise those who have contributed to the club through volunteering and orienteering talent. 

This year there will be a mass start score for experienced orienteers, plus orange and yellow courses for beginners, improvers and young juniors, so there is something suitable for everyone. The score event will use Ian Cooper's special 50th anniversary composite map, while the yellow & orange courses will use the normal map. Final results will be calculated using Pete Gorvett's special handicapping system so whoever wins is always a bit of a lottery! 

We would really welcome offers of help from non-running members to marshall the road crossings. We also need help to collect controls - the more, the merrier and the quicker we'll be able to go to lunch! Please email Dave Todd.

After the race, we will gather at Lees Hall Golf Club for lunch. Lunch will be followed by a very brief AGM and the annual awards ceremony. 

You can just attend the orienteering, the lunch or the AGM / awards or any combination of the above. If you haven't been before we would really like to encourage you to come along....

We would like to thank Judith Cudden for the fantastic job she has done serving as secretary over the past few years. We have received a nomination for Robyn Stanyon to take over her post on the committee. All other members of the committee are willing to continue in their posts.

Full details about the event and lunch are available on our website, Click here.

So that we can notify the venue of numbers and calculate the handicapped courses, you must pre-enter by Saturday 9th December. Please complete the google form via this link to enter.










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