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Compass Sport Cup Final - Call for Entries

Compass Sport Cup Final - Call for Entries

Compass Sport Cup Final

Your club needs you! The CompassSport Cup Final will be held in the Forest of Dean on Sunday 12th November. We need as many people to run as possible - there are some strong teams this year and we really want to retain our crown again!

For those new to the sport, the Compass Sport Cup is the main inter-club orienteering competition - a bit like the FA cup final but for orienteering. Competitors run different colour courses depending on their age & gender. The easiest competitive course is orange, which is for M/W14 and under. The way the scoring system works is that even if you do not count for the team you can lower the scores of other club runners so a huge turn out is vital. There are non-competitive courses for accompanying friends and family.

There is also an NGOC event the day before if you wish to make a weekend of it. 

SYO will subsidise entries to the competiton - exact level still to be determined. 


We are keen to hire (and subsidise) a coach if there is sufficient interest.This will be a day trip and will hopefully enable as many people as possible to attend. If you think you would like a place on the coach please email Pauline by Friday 6th October

Entries - complete by Friday 20th October!

The new SYO team Entries Spreadsheet is now live! Thanks to Dom for a huge amount of work that's gone into creating this - we hope it will make entries and payments easier. Please bookmark the following page here. If you have any queries or spot any errors please email Chris. Navigation of the Entries Spreadsheet is done by tabs along the top of the sheet.

You will see a number of options on the Home Page. The most important one for now is the Enter Here button next to the Compass Sport Cup Final. This will take you to a Google Form where you should select your name from a drop down menu. Please do this very carefully so you don't accidentally enter as someone else. Once entered, you can see your entries on the Entries List page. Please check your details are correct.

As well as this, there are a number of other options

1. If your details are incorrect, you can update SI number etc.

2. If you want to pay as a family group (so that only one person receives payment requests) you can set that up. This only needs doing once.

3. If you want us to use a different email address to the one you are registered with at British Orienteering you can do that too.

4. Students - let us know so you can get a discount!

For the purposes of CompassSport Cup you run a course based on your age class so there is not a Course selection option. If you would like to 'run up' please note that on the Other Info question. I may email you to ask if you mind running up once I know who is available to run. 

Please note - there are White and Yellow courses available for accompanying family members,  which also need to be pre-entered. These do not count in the compass sport cup competition. If anyone would like to run these courses, enter on the form in the normal way and select White or Yellow.

Chris Williamson
SYO Club Captain




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