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SYO orienteering - Saturday Event & Prize-giving - 24th June

SYO orienteering - Saturday Event & Prize-giving - 24th June

The prize-giving event for the 2022/23 Saturday series is at Millhouses Park on 24th June.

The event is not part of the league but will have the same courses and format as the normal league events. All are welcome, even if you have not won a prize!

Full details are on the website here. There is no need to pre-register - just turn up on the day between 12.30 and 3pm (2.30pm for longer courses). There are courses suitable for all. 

The prize-giving will be held at 3pm. There's a certificate for everybody who does 5 events and a prize for people who do all 9! We will also count those that have done 8 events and couldn't make the re-arranged Norfolk Park date as having done all 9.

There are medals for the first 3 in each age class, prizes for the winning year group teams and trophies for the winning schools. There are also prizes for the winning male and female in the adults' league. 

The overall results for the schools' league have been updated here and the adults' league here. Please check the results and let us know of any problems asap so we can finalise the results. Thank you to the people that have emailed already - we are are waiting to update all the queries in one go.

We always welcome offers of help. You do not need have any experience. Please email Pauline if you can spare an hour or so.

On a different note we have an urban orienteering event at the General Cemetery on Sunday 18th June. We would love our Saturday competitors to join us. There are courses suitable for juniors that explore the cemetery while the adult courses visit the surrounding urban area and Botanical Gardens. More info on the SYO website.

Many thanks

Pete & Pauline Tryner
South Yorkshire Orienteers


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