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CSC Heat - Important Change of Date

CSC Heat - Important Change of Date

Compass Sport Cup Heat - Change to 12th March.

Many of you are probably aware that the original date of our CSC Heat on the 12th February clashed with the Yorkshire Middle Champs at Brimham Rocks. Understandably, a number of members were unhappy with this, as were CLARO (the organisers of the Yorkshire Middle Champs).  It also clashed with half term and so many of our members were unable to attend meaning the team would be rather depleted. As a result a request went back to the CSC co-ordinator to see if it was possible to change the heat we’d been allocated. Today we were told that we could switch to the POTOC event on 12th March, which we have gratefully accepted. The downside is there is a numbers limit of only 50. The only other option to the POTOC event was the heat near Alnwick which is more than 3 hours away so we felt a shorter journey, albeit with a numbers limit was the better option.

Preliminary details for the event can be found here.

We hope we can get a great team together to enable us to qualify for the final. As there is a numbers limit of 50, places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If you are keen to help us qualify, please enter asap by completing the google form. We have already transferred the entries of those who had already entered for the February date.

Different age classes are allocated to different colour courses. These can be found in section 4 of the document here. Please note on the form if you would like to run up on a longer course.

Entry costs are £10 for adults and £5 for juniors. For those running in the competition, SYO will subsidise entries by 50%. Please transfer payment for your run (£5 for adults, £2.50 juniors) to the SYO bank account using the reference CSC.

If you are unsure whether this is suitable for you / your family please email Pauline for advice. If you have any other questions please feel free to email me.

SYO Club Captain.




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