Splits for Christmas Social Event, Ecclesall Woods, 03/12/2016

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Yellow (length 2.6km, climb 50m, 11 controls)

                                    1[42]        2[31]        3[41]        4[53]        5[51]        6[50]        7[36]        8[46]        9[47]       10[44]       11[54]       Finish
  1  Conrad Reuber         14:41    0:54(1)      1:58(1)      3:10(1)      4:49(1)      7:16(1)      8:21(1)      9:38(1)     10:36(1)     11:47(1)     13:00(1)     13:58(1)     14:41(1)   
     SYO, M10                       0:54(1)      1:04(1)      1:12(1)      1:39(1)      2:27(1)      1:05(1)      1:17(1)      0:58(1)      1:11(1)      1:13(1)      0:58(1)      0:43(1=)  
  2  James Bryant          19:59    1:09(3)      2:28(3)      4:09(3)      6:37(2)     10:14(2)     11:41(2)     13:08(2)     14:32(2)     16:01(2)     17:51(2)     19:06(2)     19:59(2)   
     SYO, M10                       1:09(3)      1:19(5)      1:41(5)      2:28(3)      3:37(4)      1:27(6)      1:27(3)      1:24(4)      1:29(4)      1:50(8)      1:15(4)      0:53(4)   
  3  Joseph Guy            20:45    1:45(10)     3:02(6)      4:51(6)      7:21(4)     10:56(3)     12:22(3)     13:54(3)     15:13(3)     16:40(3)     18:39(3)     19:50(3)     20:45(3)   
     SYO, M10                       1:45(10)     1:17(3=)     1:49(6=)     2:30(4)      3:35(3)      1:26(5)      1:32(4)      1:19(3)      1:27(2)      1:59(10)     1:11(3)      0:55(6)   
  4  Maxwell Groom         21:05    1:13(4)      2:47(4)      4:16(4)      6:51(3)     11:20(4)     12:51(4)     14:38(4)     16:07(4)     17:38(4)     18:58(4)     20:16(4)     21:05(4)   
     SYO, M10                       1:13(4)      1:34(6)      1:29(4)      2:35(6)      4:29(10)     1:31(7)      1:47(6)      1:29(5)      1:31(5)      1:20(3)      1:18(5=)     0:49(3)   
  5  Freddie Guy           22:22    1:22(6=)     3:07(8)      5:22(10)     7:45(6)     11:30(5)     13:33(6)     15:33(7)     17:10(6)     18:38(5)     20:07(5)     21:25(5)     22:22(5)   
     SYO, M10                       1:22(6=)     1:45(9)      2:15(12)     2:23(2)      3:45(5)      2:03(10)     2:00(9)      1:37(6)      1:28(3)      1:29(5)      1:18(5=)     0:57(7)   
  6  Alex McDonald         23:25    1:27(8)      3:06(7)      4:57(7)      7:29(5)     11:31(6)     13:21(5)     15:14(6)     16:56(5)     18:49(6)     20:45(6)     22:17(6)     23:25(6)   
     SYO                            1:27(8)      1:39(8)      1:51(8)      2:32(5)      4:02(7)      1:50(9)      1:53(7)      1:42(8)      1:53(9)      1:56(9)      1:32(8)      1:08(8)   
  7  Charlotte Chapman     24:32    1:22(6=)     3:17(9)      5:15(9)      8:03(7)     12:19(7)     13:44(7=)    15:02(5)     19:13(9)     21:02(7=)    22:28(7)     23:38(7)     24:32(7)   
     SYO, W10                       1:22(6=)     1:55(10)     1:58(9)      2:48(7)      4:16(9)      1:25(4)      1:18(2)      4:11(13)     1:49(7)      1:26(4)      1:10(2)      0:54(5)   
     --Yellow standard---
  8  Hannah Chapman        26:07    1:21(5)      3:21(10)     5:10(8)      8:09(8)     12:21(8)     13:44(7=)    15:38(8)     19:12(8)     21:02(7=)    22:36(8)     24:50(8)     26:07(8)   
     SYO, W10                       1:21(5)      2:00(12)     1:49(6=)     2:59(9)      4:12(8)      1:23(2)      1:54(8)      3:34(12)     1:50(8)      1:34(6)      2:14(10)     1:17(10)  
  9  Isabelle Groom        26:16    1:01(2)      2:10(2)      3:33(2)     13:31(12)    16:28(11)    17:52(10)    19:54(10)    21:08(10)    22:51(9)     24:06(9)     25:33(9)     26:16(9)   
     SYO, W10                       1:01(2)      1:09(2)      1:23(3)      9:58(12)     2:57(2)      1:24(3)      2:02(10)     1:14(2)      1:43(6)      1:15(2)      1:27(7)      0:43(1=)  
 10  Louis Bryant          35:10    1:55(11)     3:51(11)     5:51(11)     9:37(10)    15:58(10)    19:01(11)    22:12(11)    24:28(11)    27:14(10)    30:25(10)    32:58(10)    35:10(10)  
                                    1:55(11)     1:56(11)     2:00(10)     3:46(10)     6:21(12)     3:03(12)     3:11(12)     2:16(10)     2:46(10)     3:11(12)     2:33(12)     2:12(13)  
 11  Millie Norman         35:48    1:40(9)      2:57(5)      4:19(5)     15:30(13)    20:51(13)    23:49(13)    26:04(13)    28:01(12)    30:55(11)    32:38(11)    34:34(11)    35:48(11)  
     SYO, W10                       1:40(9)      1:17(3=)     1:22(2)     11:11(13)     5:21(11)     2:58(11)     2:15(11)     1:57(9)      2:54(11)     1:43(7)      1:56(9)      1:14(9)   
 12  Oscar Peel            39:25    2:52(13)     4:29(12)     6:32(12)     9:25(9)     13:22(9)     15:08(9)     16:48(9)     18:29(7)     31:39(12)    33:52(12)    37:44(12)    39:25(12)  
     SYO, M10                       2:52(13)     1:37(7)      2:03(11)     2:53(8)      3:57(6)      1:46(8)      1:40(5)      1:41(7)     13:10(13)     2:13(11)     3:52(13)     1:41(11=) 
 13  Roger Lewis           39:44    2:01(12)     4:43(13)     7:41(13)    11:29(11)    17:51(12)    21:31(12)    25:36(12)    28:35(13)    32:22(13)    35:40(13)    38:03(13)    39:44(13)  
     SYO, M40                       2:01(12)     2:42(13)     2:58(13)     3:48(11)     6:22(13)     3:40(13)     4:05(13)     2:59(11)     3:47(12)     3:18(13)     2:23(11)     1:41(11=) 
     Alex Johnson          dns       ---          ---          ---          ---          ---          ---          ---          ---          ---          ---        13:14        51:10      
     SYO                             ---          ---          ---          ---          ---          ---          ---          ---          ---          ---        13:14        37:56(14)  

Courses Yellow
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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @ cix.co.uk