Results for Middle Distance Race, Bowden Howsteads, 06/09/2015
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown, BlackWhite (length 1.1km, 11 controls)
1 Isabelle Groom SYO W10 8:14 2 Freddie Guy M4 9:32 3 Conor+Jakob+Jack 13:46 4 Max Straube-Roth OD M10 14:36 5 Matthew Rothman SYO M1 16:15 6 Ella Baxter SYO W6 17:12 7 Florrie Johnston W2 17:25 8 Samuel Buckley SYO M7 19:13 9= Adrian SNOWTON M2 26:12 9= Alex Johnson SYO M3 26:12 11 George Powell DVO M4 26:43 12 Oscar Peel SYO M6 28:58 --------White standard---------
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown, Black
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Yellow (length 1.4km, 11 controls)
1 Conrad Reuber SYO M9 10:03 2 Dominic Wathey MDOC M10 11:52 3 Freya Tryner SYO W8 11:59 4 Emil Howell FIF M10 13:57 5 Maia Howell FIF W10 14:00 6 Isabelle Groom SYO W10 15:08 7 Max Broadbent + 1 M14 15:30 --------Yellow standard-------- 8 Robyn Hemingway SYO W6 17:54 9 Sylvie Hemingway SYO W9 17:58 10 Annabelle Maltby W7 18:01 11 Jospeh Guy SYO M7 18:06 12 Alex Maltby M9 19:48 13 Victoria Munguia Medina SYO W40 25:33 mp Jack, Connor & Jacob 30:02 Missing nos 6,9-10
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown, Black
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Orange (length 1.9km, 10 controls)
1 Alex Elliot SYO W12 19:07 2 Toby Williams LOG M12 21:25 3 Clare Baron W21 22:03 4 Sebastian Mobus SYO M14 24:30 5 Max Mobus SYO M12 25:34 6= William Martland EPOC M12 26:23 6= Emil Howell FIF M10 26:23 --------Orange standard-------- 8 Yesim Sahni + 1 SYO W50 31:09 9 Rachel Turner SYO W14 36:23 10 Isobel Reuber SYO W12 42:44 Roger Mawby EBOR M75 rtd Missing nos 5-10
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown, Black
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Light Green (length 3.1km, 18 controls)
1 Adam Wiegand SYO M14 45:11 2 Beverley Inkson SYO W45 47:37 3 Hazel Williams SN W12 55:22 4 Anna Badcock W45 56:18 5 Callum Veitch SYO M16 62:28 6 Susan Guy SYO W35 63:38 -----Light Green standard------ 7 Linda Whitehead EBOR W60 74:09 Adam Majeed SYO M14 dnf No finish time
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown, Black
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Short Green (length 3.2km, 19 controls)
1 Karen Williams LOG W45 56:35 2 Jim Mitchell PFO M70 60:08 3 Hilary Bloor SYO W60 60:13 4 Paul Jackson EPOC M70 65:43 5 Stephen Beresford MDOC M65 65:49 6 John Woodall NOC M75 73:46 7 Jan Ellis MDOC W65 77:38 8 Rae Lomas MDOC W70 78:23 9 Barbara Verity DEE W65 81:07 -----Short Green standard------ 10 Pauline Wilson SYO W60 88:18 11 Jane Payne EPOC W60 92:43 12 Kirsten Williams DVO W60 111:23 Pat Marston SYO W65 rtd Missing nos 3-11,16-19
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown, Black
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Green (length 3.7km, 21 controls)
1 Yasmin Field SYO W16 43:08 2 Martin Green MDOC M60 43:26 3 Joe Field SYO M14 47:54 4 Peter Guillaume SYO M65 53:13 5 Julie Cleary LOK W50 57:43 6 Marcia Bradbury SYO W55 58:29 7 Jacky Dakin SYO W50 60:02 8 Pauline Tryner SYO W40 60:06 9 Roger Weller SYO M45 60:23 10 Jillyan Dobby MDOC W60 60:37 11 Rod Williams HALO M65 60:54 12 David Murray SYO M55 62:23 13 Dave Heath SYO M55 62:33 14 Rod Ryall BOF M70 64:05 15 Jamie Veitch SYO M40 64:51 16 David Mawdsley MDOC M70 65:26 17 Robert Verity DEE M70 67:37 --------Green standard--------- 18 Colin Best SYO M65 68:11 19 Roseanne Field SYO W50 68:56 20 Linda Kelly CLARO W55 69:05 21 Helen Martland EPOC W45 71:47 22 Ann Harris SMOC W60 73:01 23 Ryan Elliot SYO M16 73:25 24 John Padget DEE M70 74:55 25 Liz Cuckson SYO W50 80:38 26 Wendy Foster NOC W50 82:28 27 David Walker MDOC M70 83:52 28 Ros James SMOC W50 91:59 mp Gill Mawby EBOR W65 78:46 Missing nos 19-20 mp Susan Allard DVO W50 91:35 Missing no 13 Peter Lomas MDOC M75 rtd Missing nos 9-20 Sander Kossak rtd Missing nos 1,11-21 Oskar Kossak rtd Missing nos 1,11-21 Ray Waight SYO M60 rtd Missing nos 15-20
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown, Black
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Blue (length 4.4km, 25 controls)
1 Pippa Dakin SYO W18 37:20 2 Anne Straube OD W40 40:05 3 Jenny Peel SYO W45 41:38 4 Dominic Dakin SYO M14 45:55 5 Tony Davies SELOC M65 46:36 6 Paul Bradbury SYO M55 47:14 7 Ronan Cleary LOK M55 52:47 8 Clive Wilson SYO M60 53:40 9 Ian Farrell MDOC M21 56:23 ---------Blue standard--------- 10 Kristian Roberts EUOC M21 58:59 11 Anne Maguire AIRE W35 59:29 12 Richard Payne EPOC M65 59:48 13 Daniel Roth OD M40 65:20 14 Henry Marston SYO M65 67:21 15 Peter Ross MDOC M65 69:00 16 Peter Brookes NOC M55 84:15 17 Cecilia Fenerty MDOC W50 85:46 18 Graeme Huggan NOC M55 97:13
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown, Black
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Brown (length 5.3km, 28 controls)
1 Peter Tryner SYO M40 41:39 2 Dean Field SYO M50 49:46 3 Steve Jobson RAFO M50 55:40 --------Brown standard--------- 4 David Wathey MDOC M50 70:17 5 Bob Johnston M40 79:01 6 Graham Martindale M45 83:07
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown, Black
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Black (length 6.1km, 30 controls)
1 Joe Woodley AIRE M20 39:50 2 Andrew Powell DVO M21 43:51 3 Alastair Buckley SYO M40 44:03 4 Alex Rothman SYO M35 45:01 5 Zachary Field SYO M20 45:33 6 Ben Beresford NOC M20 45:59 7 Kim Baxter SYO W35 53:04 8 Rachael Rothman SYO W35 54:21 9 Rob Moody POTOC M21 54:36 10 Jeff Colbert SYO M21 55:46 11 Joe Taunton NOC M21 55:49 12 Jake Field SYO M20 58:24 13 Richard Baxter SYO M45 58:50 --------Black standard--------- 14 Lucy Wiegand SYO W45 63:08 15 Jaimie Buckley SYO W35 63:23 16 David Bennett DVO M40 63:26 17 Tim Wiegand SYO M45 67:54 18 Chris Littler SYO M45 79:23
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Short Green, Green, Blue, Brown, Black
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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @